After spending a good chunk of the last few days perusing both the Yamaha TX-7 manual and the Renoise site/manual/tutorials, I have been unable to determine exactly why the MIDI out messages to my Yamaha TX-7 seem to be able to control only one instrument at a time. It has been a great disappointment. Even with “Omni Mode” enabled on the TX-7, it seems that only one sound device at a time is available to receive MIDI data. No matter how I configure the MIDI “channels” and “program banks,” only one sound can be a generated at once. Am I doing something horribly wrong? Do I misunderstand the limitations of either Renoise or the TX-7? I expected to be able to control a wider range of TX-7 instruments than…one?
This is to say: I can do polyphony on individual instruments, but I am limited to one instrument at a time. Sorry if this isn’t clear enough.
Holy jeezus! I’m looking at the page you linked to, wondering “where is he seeing this?” And then it exploded out at me, and I realized, “you idiot, how could you possibly have never noticed that right-hand column on VSE before?”
Oh well, the TX-7 is still a load of fun. I couldn’t find anything about timbrality in the manual, strangely, even in the “specifications” portion or the MIDI-specific sections.
When asking these kinds of questions, sometimes it feels like there’s no winning, in the sense that the answer is generally “you didn’t spend enough time with the manual” (I generally enjoy perusing manuals, though) or “you didn’t spend enough time Googling/you didn’t Google correctly.”