OSX 10.9.4: Opening external finder is extremely slow

Opening external browser/finder in Renoise 3.0 is extremely slow (really), is it a bug or have to do with something else here?

specs are R3.0, osx 10.9.4, core i5 macbookpro

Do you have hd power-down in energy settings? Takes a lot of time here to spin up…

Do you have hd power-down in energy settings? Takes a lot of time here to spin up…

no, i dont use any power saving features in macbookpro, harddrive is 7200rpm 32mb cache and 16gb ram

Anyone have the same issues?


That also happens to me after I upgraded to 10.9.4. But it only happens once in a while, and not only in Renoise, so I think it is a Mavericks bug.

That also happens to me after I upgraded to 10.9.4. But it only happens once in a while, and not only in Renoise, so I think it is a Mavericks bug.

Yeah, after googline the net, it seems Finder performance is very poor on Mavericks, there is 2 tips which helps to speed up that thing, one of those is to turn off AppNap for Finder via console.

Nice tip, I am trying it now, haven’t had a lag yet. Do you know how long time it takes before Finder decides to take a “nap”?

Nice tip, I am trying it now, haven’t had a lag yet. Do you know how long time it takes before Finder decides to take a “nap”?

Dunno. Hours ago ive figured out that after 2 tricks applied the Finder became more snappier and faster, but not in Renoise (for example - push render song button, try to click browse…that spinning rainbow will spin for a long time).

Yeah, the bug stil persist. For me it takes about 6 seconds. when trying to change the initial render folder.