OSX: Instrument Macro Mappings window hidden

Did this started to happen for you somewhen out of a sudden or was it always like this for you?

Probably the window is hidden below the main window for some reason (this of course should not happen)? Try moving the main window around.
Probably it’s sitting on a second monitor which currently is not attached? Does it work when running Renoise fullscreen?

95% of time i use Renoise on external display, so yes, the main renoise window fullscreened on external display and the laptop screen used mostly for plugins. But finally i’ve tried to do a proper Instrument from scratch, so i’ve deattached sampler window to laptop screen and there was no that missing instr mappings window, but when you start to move that sampler window from one screen to another, i see it flickering, and sometimes it appears/disappears, so moving around kinda solves a problem.

p.s. Related to instruments, i discovered a weird bug (https://forum.renoise.com/t/custom-instrument-vs-instrument-rendered-from-vst/42495). I never had problems with old and new RNS gui, surely some things are not comfortable to do, others are very handy, but i’ve spent a f**** day, lol, making that TR909 instrument to figure it out later it is not working as expected in comparison to a simple rendered vst-to-instrument thing. Also, yes, we need more macros in instruments, those 8 rotaries is a toy.