OSX Mojave: Redux VST fails to scan in Bitwig 3.3

I just updated to Redux 1.1.4, and Bitwig (v3.3) fails to scan it successfully. The following pop-up warning appears in bitwig, and if you do not hit ‘skip’, it goes on forever.

I’ve had to revert to 1.1.2 as a result. This system is on OSX Mojave.

Screen Shot 2020-11-14 at 5.31.01 PM


Redux will ask you to locate the “Renoise Redux.license” file on OSX on a fresh installation. Probably that dialog got hidden in Bitwig. To fix this, either manually copy the “Renoise Redux.license” file next to the “Renoise Redux.vst” and “Renoise Redux.component” file, or launch it once with some other host such as Reaper. Once the license is located, it won’t ask for it anymore…

If this isn’t the problem, then please let us have a look at the log file at: ~/Library/Logs/Renoise Redux.log

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Hi Taktik – your theory was correct, the pop-up to find the key is not displaying in Bitwig for some reason. I loaded up Live 10 and got the pop up to locate the license key. Thank you.

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