Osx: Usb (Mono) Audio Device Not Recognised

I’ve bought a cheapo 1/4" jack-to-USB cable for recording guitar – it’s not perfect, but it does what I need it to do. Apart, that is, from work in Renoise. It shows up in the output device list, but not in the input devices. Works fine in Audacity, Garage Band, Quicktime, Reaper, and everything else I’ve tried it in; I’ve restarted my machine, started Renoise with and without it connected, and set it as the default input device in System Preferences, but as far as Renoise is concerned it’s an output device only!

Audacity input selector:
2564 Screen shot 2011-11-18 at 13.32.05.png

Renoise input selector:
2565 Screen shot 2011-11-18 at 13.32.49.png

As of 2.7 Mono devices are not yet supported in Renoise on OSX (they are on Windows.) This has been well documented if you search the forum.

There are promises this has been cured for the forthcoming version though…

Ah, OK. Annoying, but I’ll make do for now. :)

Search the forum and I believe there is a workaround of some sort. Might be to do with Soundflower to turn it from mono to stereo and then inputting to Renoise from that or similar…

There are vague hints that OSX/Linux Renoise will get Mono input device support “in future versions”. I’m in the same boat as you.

elbiggus: plugging in a mono device and trying to select it from the preferences used to actually crash Renoise ( consult this thread) - Then it was fixed by disabling the showing of mono-only devices.