Panning Column Sending Midi Panning Cc

I hope this suggestion hasn’t been posted before.

Is it possible to send the midi CC#10 (standart control for panning in midi) by using the panning column with the values 00-80?
Instead of use 90 10xx in the effects to send the panning midi control

what if standard is not respected, for example if the user modifies the MIDI CC chart of a VST plugin?

your idea is good, but could also lead to problems

The main problem is that Renoise doesnt assign MIDI instruments to tracks, you can play back any insturment on any track. So if you simply specify a 40 pan value somewhere, to which instrument should it be sent? To the last one that played in the column? This would work, but doesnt if there are no instruments playing yet.

Furhter MIDI Panning, Volume & stuff are “global” per MIDI channel, while the pan/vol values you specify in Renoise for samples are reset when triggering new notes, so they are not “global”. This would lead to confusion as well…

This would be resolved specifying the instrument number with the panning value, if not the panning CC wouldn’t be sent to midi. It is the same case when you send CC effects without a note.

Example: — 00 … C0 0A10
Equivalent: — 00 … 10 ·······