phrase editor - need legato (plus some nice-to-haves)

The phrase editor is amazing - but it would be better with the following:

the chord tone index from the phrase. So if you enter C E D in the phrase editor, and play the chord GAB on the keyboard, it will arpeggiate as G B A.

*EDIT: added details why GFF legato is not sufficient.

This’d only work with vsti’s that support it, right? I think currently you have to remove the instrument number for successive notes to have this behavior. Can’t seem to do this in the phrase editor.

Exactly; i’m asking for this to be available. I understand why the instrument column is removed from the phrase editor, but as a (possibly) unintended consequence we lose the ability to play legato passages.

Try using Gxx command, which would slide to a specific note, it should be working for phrases.

Try diskbrowser → Instr → Library button [||,] → Leads → Fuzzy Slide.xrni

Gxx is really not sufficient – 1. it doesn’t work on VST instruments, and 2. it suffers from lack of control. even GFF is just not the same as a 00 instrument column style legato

It will never work on vst instruments if the VST instrument does not have any internal function to process these signals. If VST instruments will support this they, have their own midi CC commands or pitchbend values to process for that, a Gxx command will never work as it does with samples if a gxx command would be applied.

True, moment of retardation there. It would still be very useful for sample based instruments though, because of the limitations of GFF. For arppegiations it is really common to have 00 instr column.

I don’t really understand, how is GFF working different for instrumentless slides for sample based instruments?

GFF is not the same as instr 00. I believe there was a time when GFF was slightly faster than GFE; apparently that’s changed. GFE is “normal”, and lasts the duration of the pattern line. GFF now snaps to the destination pitch regardless the song tempo.

Instr 00 though is slightly different. GFF sounds faster than instr 00.

If GFF was changed to be exactly the same as Instr 00, then this issue would be solved.

My other request, regarding using phrases as an arpeggiator, is a different issue and would be very helpful.

By instr 00 you mean note ghosting right?

That would indeed be nice but i think this really requires a different kind of option that processes the midi input differently. There are a reasonable amount of VST plugins that do a fine job on this though.

You can predefine a good amount of arpeggio phrases and by using the sample offset (sxx) command and backwards play command (bx) you can even revert phrase playing. So you have some convenience options but for all the other specific one push does it all features, it is crafting in Renoise.

Could someone enlighten me to the goodness of instr 00 please?

Not sure exactly what it is… And nice legato is something that interests me greatly.

Is this only applicable to samples or can VSTi make use of it as well? Any examples?


Indeed this refers to “ghosting” whereby you specify a note as “C-4 --” instead of the default “C-4 07” where 07 is the instrument.

Instr00 only works on sample-based instruments. It does not retrigger the note, jumping instead to the pitch specified. There is a very tiny glide in order to reduce unwanted “clicking” artifacts.

In contrast, Gxx does a glide to the pitch that lasts the duration of the row. The exception is GFF which jumps instantly to the new pitch regardless of tempo. Oddly, GFF doesn’t have the smooth glide that instr00 has, so GFF will produce a clicking sound. This might just be a bug?

This doesn’t work with VST instruments because there is no way to specify “don’t retrigger the note” in MIDI. MIDI uses a different mechanism to implement legato (by convention). A VST synth (typically monophonic synths/samplers with portamento) detects legato automatically by analyzing the note events. If a note butts right up to another one or overlaps, legato happened and the new pitch is played but the sample is not retriggered. If there was silence before a note event, the sample is triggered from the start.

Lovely, thank you.

Does this technique still work in renoise 3? When I remove the instrument number, the sequencer just retriggers the note with the last given instrument (i.e. I can’t hear any difference from the note with an instrument number given). It doesn’t matter if there is an evelope on the sample or not…

Isn’t the name Instr00 kind of ambiguous anyways, since there actually is an insrument “00” slot, which usually contains the first instrument used in the song?

I’m also very much interested in achieving legato effects. The only usefull command I have found for this so far is the 0S offset pattern effect…


Nevermind, It didn’t work because of the NNA settings. Very nice, I’m certainly going to play around with this a little bit…