Phrase rendering?

Copy paste is fine, but tedious when you need to transpose melodic patterns, or the LPBs don’t line up.

How about add those suggestions to the tool thread? :slight_smile:

OK, the LPB one is difficult. Here, dblue has done some excellent work with his own tool, Flexible Pattern Resizer.

Also, transposing and such would be difficult but possible. And a good match for the purpose of the tool.

Imagine that you have two different modes. One “dumps” the phrase data into the pattern (like now), and the other mode would first lookup the pattern, interpret how the phrase would understand them, and output that instead. It’s WAY more complex than what it does now (especially if we consider stuff like Bxx and Sxx commands that affect phrase playback (reverse and line offset), and could often be, well, impossible (running out of of note columns).

So the realistic solution would involve some kind of compromise. For example, accepting only a single note (column) as source…

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