I was working on a track tonight that had a snare sample with a loop in it, such a short loop the resulting snare sound transformed in a tone at the end… and I was trying to adjust the loop markers in such a way the tone would match up in key with the rest of the song.
Now this was a trial and error affair and eventually I’ve got it just about right, but I was thinking this could be more easier if there would be a frequency indicator in the sample editor for the space between loop markers (maybe something for the ‘loop-fine editor’?).
Yes it is weird Renoise does not show loop length in any numeral form. But, you can measure it by marking the whole loop range. A bit more work, but the result is the same.
Well, I’m not able to calculate it by myself, but thanks to your formula, I am able to extract the required information out to get this:
function showsamplehz()
local selsamp=renoise.song().selected_sample
local sb=selsamp.sample_buffer
local a=renoise.app()
local currentsamplerate=sb.sample_rate
local loopend=selsamp.loop_end
local loopstart=selsamp.loop_start
local looplength=nil
local loophz=nil
a:show_status("[Samplerate " .. currentsamplerate .. " | Selected Sample Loop-length " .. looplength .. " | Loop is in: " .. loophz .. " Hz]")
renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {
name = "Sample Editor Ruler:Loop in Hz",
invoke = function() showsamplehz()
The cooler boyz could obviously improve on this with some sort of an observable, maybe even so that it would constantly keep a tiny button available that reads the current Hz of the current sample.
I might do a tiny 4-6 letter button gui for this, if you like, Jonas (it would just be a static button you can add next to the Pattern Editor lower row… and u could click it. Didn’t bother making a keyshortcut for it yet.
Thanks Esa! Took me a while before I found out the tool outputs the frequency in the status row , getting the morning snot out of my eyes…but yeah already helpful, though I was thinking of a more dynamic feature. So the the amount of Hz gets updated dynamically when adjusting the loop markers.
It would be uber-great if besides frequency, you could have the respective key, cents and octave too, which I bet also relate to some kind of formula?
If all of this could be collected in a tool that be very useful, but maybe the devs can implement such a thing natively eventually!
Ohhh, magic!
I’ve always thought frequency as some kind of inversion. Nevertheless, I must add one sample to the calculation for that dudes tool to give me the reading I want. Weird, huh? Dunno why, it should not be that way.
e_Ya I got the logic. Nevers do maths after being awake for whole night.
Think it has to do with a bug fix / previous crash troubles, something to do with the selection length in the sample editor and loop markers…but can’t remember the specifics.