February 8, 2016, 10:09am
Hello guys
I recently updated my REnoise.
The new vesions seem to be packed with features and I can’t find anymore what I’m looking for.
As I remeber there used to by a button where you could switch between polyphonic and mono mode for the (computer) keyboard.
Somehow I turned this to mono and now I can’t press chords anymore…
You won’t believe me but I spent half an hour (!) searching to switch that back without any success, so this forum is my only hope.
How the heck do you toggle between poly mono mode (I’m using version 3 now).
Thanks for any reply that brings me back in the workflow another day hopefully to use my polysynth…
February 8, 2016, 11:53am
The switch is located at the top of any of the instrument tabs: sampler/plugin/midi
Edit: If you missed out on it, perhaps this is because it is enforced_per instrument?_You could have selected a different instrument when you went looking. And Renoise does come with a lot of buttons.
You won’t believe me but I spent half an hour (!) searching to switch that back without any success, so this forum is my only hope.
I had to try, and a quick search revealed this useful entry in our wiki:
Don’t be too proud to not consult a manual every now and then B)
February 9, 2016, 3:15pm
Thanks for the screenshot and explains, I found that page before and was still too dumb to get it, but now I got it!
Maybe good to have that screenshot in the tutorial one day.
Eventhoug I still think (and that’s my opinion) that this function could be a bit more obvious in Renoise.
After all it was not Renoise that made the sound mono, it was actually the polysynth hooked up via MIDI that played tricks on me
(Robbie S)
November 8, 2016, 4:15pm
Using the computer keyboard I can play chords (polyphonic) except for then I hit record. Then the notes gets put one after another and not as a chord.
Using a midi-keyboard it works just fine.
November 8, 2016, 4:33pm
Using the computer keyboard I can play chords (polyphonic) except for then I hit record. Then the notes gets put one after another and not as a chord.
Using a midi-keyboard it works just fine.
It depends on the keyboard itself, the polyphoni is usually very limited with normal keyboards, but i do believe fully polyphonic keyboards exists.
(Robbie S)
November 8, 2016, 6:52pm
Well, when not in recorde mode (red frame) I can play chords with the computer keyboard just fine. Only when recording it doesn’t.
I just learned that you have to press left shift while recording to be able to enter more than one note at a time.
November 8, 2016, 9:24pm
ah, yeah, only when track is playing you can write different notes at the same time.
(Robbie S)
November 8, 2016, 9:57pm
If it works with midi-keyboard and used to work with computer keyboard I’m curious what the reason was why it changed? And why the little chord mode button was removed?