Pos_To_Time() Function. (Midi)

Fuck, this is frustrating. MIDI time is retarded. Look at this garbage:


Quote of the day: “Remember that musicians always think in terms of a beat, not the passage of seconds, minutes, etc.”


Staring at a text editor for hours trying to convert line position to time would be hella easy if time = time, not whatever MIDI thinks it is. Math wizards, help a whiner out?

What I don’t want: More english.

I had the same fist clenching in my Notes Randomizer thread. Pages upon pages of undecipherable garbage trying to explain keys, when the answer was simply to rotate a Lua table.

What I do want: Lua.

Preferably generic enough so that in the future, when I refer to past threads, it’s actually useful and not barely info, weeks pass, skip to undecipherable and implemented code.
