Possible Time Restriction Removal?

Hey, I’m in the military so I have long periods without access to the internet and it’s looking like the current beta will expire while I’m deployed and I want to keep using it. Is there an option for us in the service to have a beta with removed time restrictions? Even though I’ll be gone, my lappy will still be keeping me company during the spare time.


you can turn back the clock

dont you have wireless internet :unsure:

Not on a ship. We also have restrictions about downloading things off the internet and more importantly using removable media. In other words, we can’t do it.

Perhaps you can persuade your superior on the ship in getting hooked to Renoise…
But if you want a specific advise:OpenVPN ALS… you can do filetransfer through a webbrowser encrypted so nobody will figure out what you are transferring. You only need to run an OpenVPN server on your home machine.