So I have a VST and an automation device through which I’m automating filter cutoff, pan & resonance.
Is it possible to mute the automation on the cutoff to hear how it sounds, without completely removing the curve?
So I have a VST and an automation device through which I’m automating filter cutoff, pan & resonance.
Is it possible to mute the automation on the cutoff to hear how it sounds, without completely removing the curve?
Unfortunately not. You could however copy your vst automate device and there remove the parameter that you automated on your first device, then you can switch on/off these devices using pattern effect commands to do a sort of A/B editing.
I know it is not much of a help but it is one of the ways to do it.
It would indeed be nice to be able to toggle the automation curves on/off without consequent removal.
OK thanks, I’ll have to try your workaround - I just thought I might be missing something. I kept clicking on the green square in the automation device thinking that should do it…
Another possibility I just thought of is to copy and paste the automation curve into a dummy spot (on a muted VST automation device for example), delete the original automation link, then paste the curve back when done. I’ll experiment tonight. Thanks again.
Renoise has complete undo, just delete and hit CTRL-z to undo the delete should work faster.
But i guess it may not harm to temporary store your test-curve anyway.
or you could just cut it temporarly by clicking on the little scissor down in the left corner of the automation page.
I ended up using the handy automation curve presets. I just make the 1st preset a horizontal line, make the curves I want in presets 2-8, and switch back to preset 1 anytime I want to “disable” automation. This is perhaps better than curve mute because it allows adjusting the value of the parameter by moving the horizontal line up or down.