Potentially Offensive Suggestion For The Pattern Matrix

There are tiny pixels representing notes in the pattern matrix… and I wonder, if each note would get a color (ignoring octaves and pitch slides etc.), if that would help in giving a better “impression” of what is going on, where the bass line changes etc… ?

Why not just look at the pattern editor to see if there are notes ?, personally I think the matrix blocks are to small to contain any usefull data ( besides the notes )

because the pattern editor only shows one pattern at a time, and usually not even all tracks in the pattern at the same time?

huh yeah, so since the notes are already there, as uniformly colored pixels, I wonder how it would look like if those pixels would be colored depending on what note it is, c, c#, d, d# and so on, spreading the 12 notes across the color spectrum.

of course it’s small, but apart from the ability to resize them – it’s more about a general impression than “seeing exactly what is going on”. If you have several melodic parts in your song, they will look different. it might also be nice for drumkits.

It’s kinda hard to tell how useful exactly it would be without seeing it.

It would be cool if there were options for things like this in the scripting engine.

Don’t find it offensive or particularly useful.

Another way to describe it: like a piano roll display uses position to visualize the note, this would use colors, except that it would ignore octaves… and possibly blend colors when pixels/notes are cramped. As I initially said, the purpose would be a “rough impression” and a better overview. Kinda like force feedback, for the eyes ^^

That would require the ability to call a script whenever the pattern is changed, to render the matrix slot content… probably possible, but that could be slow/laggy in comparison, I have no idea.

Good! I am so relieved, and also grateful for your constructive post ^_^