how do i get renoise v1.27? i bought version 1.26. i been trying to log in to my user page and get it, but this message pops up in my browser.
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home2/renoise/public_html/worktools/db.php on line 18
ERROR: Connect error!
do i have to download the v1.27 demo first? i already registerd.
splajn :
Sorry I have to correct you : You !have! to download and install the free versin first, to make sure that you have the latest resource files.
Then go to the registered users page again, download the exe and overwrite the new exe with those that the installer installed.
About this errormessage. I think it was just temporary overcrowded, so try it again and let me know if it still doesnt work. Contact me ( or ks ( if you need further assistant.