Promotion Goodies Advertisments For Renoise

As I told you, i do my best to promote this Renoise, i created one renoise section on my label’s forum and i tell to all the young people who ask me how do i make my records: “if you want to make sound like me, use RENOISE!!! It s the best of the bests”

But, when i m on gigs, i don t have always the time to write the site adress etc on papers or on packet of cigarettes…

You should make stickers and send them to Renoise artists, like that we can give to everybody in parties! I m ready to do it for you and i am sure others are also!

I have an average of 6 or 7 gigs per month mostly in europe this winter so imagine how many people i can touch and multiply that by the number of renoise artists!!

For 20 000 stickers 10x5cm, 4 colours, plastic, it s around 250¤…

What do you think about that?


It’s not rare that people ask for that. I have converted 3 cubase users that way! :P

While a nice gesture, I don’t think stickers will attract many users…I think video tutorials on youtube that show of programming capabilities / fast workflow from renoise users / ‘artists’ will generate more interest. Maybe the renoise team can invest time in some clever fast edited flashy tutorials :) for the youngsters to get hype over.

But if stickers are pressed be sure to send me a couple , I’ll spam 'em across this part of the globe.

YOU attract many users and stickers are there to give information :)

i would love nice renoise stickers. roughly 5-6 inches (sorry, united states) in width, redish-orange text and logo on clear background. are there any rules against doing this personally if this doesn’t end up happening by the hands of devs?

if possible, a good idea would be to show a monitor with your tracks going on.

anyway, there are local stores which can produce custom stickers for you at very low cost, maybe you could try to make yourself some

I want a shirt “powered by renoise” that i would wear on my gigs :drummer:

ooh! me too! some stickers would be nice :D

I wonder what program he uses??

Please tell me where you got that


epic win

that is so it…i hate how good an idea that light up apple sign was. u think they envisaged gigs where all you could see in the dark was that for an hour? :)