Howdy. What I’m trying to do is a nice trancegate on a sharp synth.
Aka tremolo with max range.
Aka pulse (not sine) volume modulation.
Aka awitching volume on and off rapidly.
I get the effect I need when I double the speed and use Volume 00 and 40 commands. But is it possible to do it at the same speed ?
I tried using the volume slicer effect like this (I have speed 6):
We’ve also suggested to implement the old “instrument only” retrig effects.
This means if you would insert only the instrument without the note, the effect on that row will be applied without the sample (or VSTI) being reset.
Have you tried setting up a looping volume envelope which is synced to the bpm/steps ?
It’s a little weird cause you have to put the loop endpoint at the 5th step, rather than the 4th, but I think this will create a similar effect to the one you want, synced to the bpm of the track.
Of course the downside is that now you can’t have an overall volume envelope, but you can still adjust the fadeout value to at least get some of the functionality.
Interesting approach dblue. But this way you loose the ability to play the sample normally. To see what I want to do try this rns file. When you play the song you hear the volume slice effect (track 2).
Now solo track 1, change speed from 6 to 3 and listen. Sounds cleaner, doesn’t it ?
Isn’t that the way Renoise handles effects right now ? If no note (and no instrument of course) is given an effect is always applied without retriggering the sample.