So from what I gather basically if I want to change what seems to be by defualt a 1/16 say at 150 bpm, to 1/32 at 150 bpm (I like a little bit of resolution), I would have take the speed under the bpm up to 3 so it plays twice as fast at the same tempo to get notes in between 1/16 (I then set up renoise to highlight every eight notes as well to keep it at 4/4)… is this how most people do it? Cause as far as I can tell, I can only change how I would like my quantizing prefferences by doing this. I looked in the manual and watched the little tutorial vids and looked at the online wiki stuff and found no info either. I imagine that changing the row highlight settings is how you guys go about marking your different time signatures? I am I right or am I just totally screwing up here?
Thats right. Setting the speed from 6 to 3 will double your line resolution. The note resolution will still be the same as you now have 3 ticks per line. With speed 6 you have 6 ticks per line, but only half the number of lines per beat.
So in order to get better note and line resolution you will have to double the bpm.
You can put notes between lines by using a delay command (described in the wiki).
You are only mentioning doubling the BPM to get the same effect if I stayed at speed 6 correct? I got kinda thrown off there… I think that’s what you are saying right?
Trackers have a concept of ticks per line (thats the speed).
Speed 6 = 6 ticks per line. Speed 3 = 3 ticks per line etc. Using the delay command you can put notes on a tick.
To insert a note right in the middle of line 00 and 01 with speed 6:
Linenumber - Note - Instrument nr - Volume column - Panning column
00 C-4 00 30 D3
01 —
‘D3’ in panning column is the delay command.
Setting the speed to 3 (= 3 ticks per line) will get you more lines per beat. But not more ticks per beat.
If you double the bpm then you will have more lines AND ticks.
So its up to you how you do it.If you only want more lines per beat and don’t need better note resolution (more ticks per line) then just lower the speed with the bpm unchanged.
what Pysj means is that speed parameter determines how many ticks are on each row… Basically you are totally correct. If you want to encrease reolution you can set speed to twice smaller value and let bpm stay the same. But in this case you loose ticks. It is important if you record “live” with “record note delays” option or if you wanna access ticks with pattern command Dx or use other tick based commands like retrigger for example. So if you dont want to loose ticks then its better idea to double the bpm instead of doubeling the speed (decrease ticks per row value)
you can look at this thread also to get better idea…
but yes, you are absolutely correct, different time signature is acheived with altering row highlights and pattern lenght…
EDIT: ehh Pysj beat me to it
I get it now. I was making sure that I wasn’t I was following him… thanks guys.
main concepts like this are explained into the tutorial pages;
thanks- I suppose I should try the search function in the tutorials sometime heh?
If you want a tickless based tracker, set your speed to one and you have a tickless based editor.
But you won’t have half of the effects at your posession anymore. (all delay, retrig and cut commands do not really work anymore)
Cool, I think I’ll stick with the current speed of 3, just seems to be the best working option (well it’s equivalent to what I was doing in cubase)…
That’s not tickless. It’s one tick per line. Tickless would mean that you have a continuous value or possibilities between lines.
That’s really not explained very well. I will use automation as an example to explain what I mean:
Automation is only sent to effects etc on each tick. With a speed of 1 this would only be sent on the line A tickless tracker would send a continuous value (whether changing or not) between each line (although isn’t 996ppn counted as being near enough continuous as far as most sequencers are concerened? Truely continuous can not exist in a digital realm, but you get what I mean.)
No, speed one means 1 line is 1 possibility.
But then again you still have a choice of using value 0 (d0, f0, 0d00, 0e00 etc.) so i wasn’t completely correct that most commands do not work anymore, but the resolution is narrowed to 1 value.
Yes i agree with you, a very high ppn equivalent option should be a valueable one in that case.
I however don’t believe that everybody is happy with this kind of resolution, specially not if one has to manually adjusts many settings.
Surely interpolation algorithms to automatically apply lineary or logarithmic interpolation is standard, but if you need a rough humanise schedule with certain high values on certain points, this system is a nightmare and a tracker offers much more simplicity in this matter.
I think this is the root of all con’s and pro pianoroll argumentation.
I wonder how a tick-based schedule could be combined with a high ppn rate play and record mechanism.
Would this mean an x-factor of ppn per tick?