i dunno if this is explicitly stated in the manual or not, but being able to edit KeyboardMapping.xml “by hand” is great! saved a lot of time getting my left-handed ass working straight in renoise ;D
if people aren’t already using some nice text editor i’d suggest picking up ultraedit or another text exitor that allows for find/replace all and going at the xml. i was able to quickly swap LControl and RControl even with many instances of the keys …
er, wait, did it ???
i think i messed something up in the process, should this have worked?
Would be strange if it worked, as RControl isn’t treated as a modifier but a regular key in renoise…
This is for compability with the ft2 interface. Taktik, would it be possible to make this optional? GUI-wise it could be like this: have a list of checkboxes for each modifier key (L/R ctrl/alt/shift/winbutton) named “Use as regular key”, where the right side keys by default is checked. Eventually also an option to not separate left from right could be useful for custom bindings.