Quick Question

I know Renoise is unable to render midi devices to sample, but how would I go about rendering a sequenced hardware synth in renoise? If I try to render the whole song the synth will not be in the final product(of course). does anyone have a suggestion as to how to keep my synth in the rendered wav?

…you’d have to sample to sequence first and use that sample in your song, which you then render…

When I render the synth to sample though the sample will come out blank. No sound whatsoever.

Maybe the #line-in device could work?

edit: to elaborate, you need the synth connected with MIDI as well as with a normal audio cable. Renoise will tell the synth to play, which will in turn feed everything to your sound card… which will then play the sound… at least that’s the theory :P

edit 2: and there will probably be latency issues from the line-in device.

I’m a little confused as to what you mean, could you explain in more detail?

One quick thing too. I got it work with my roland sh-201 with the roland sh 201 VST…however my red square no sound will go to the mixer and I cant figure out why.

It sounds like either renoise isnt set to record from the correct audio input (maybe its listening to motherboard soundcard rather than another soundcard)- Or check in sound cards software mixer that its inputs arent muted.

To record an external sequenced synthesizer:

(The line-in device is not necsesary to do this)

  1. Go to the Sample Editor
  2. Click the rec button, the record window appears
  3. Chose the correct input L, R or L+R
  4. Chose ‘Pattern’ on sync start & stop
  5. Click the big start button
  6. Start playback and the recording will begin
  7. When all is recorded, stop the recording and the sample is generated