Rægæ - System

–> raegae.org

I have been on holidays in Norway, I got lots of new electromusician frends. I went from Turku to Tromsø in Finland, and then partly hitchhiking through Norway to Trondheim to Oslo and back home. I am going to make somekind of blog about the journey . . . stay tuned !!!

Great, Norways biggest music festival is now ongoing in Oslo. You should had stayed longer.


should have stayed, great country … :)

might be back soon, just have to reload batteries

There have been little delay to start releasing the blog, umm… ( some five weeks or so : / )
Delay is because part of the Rægæ System went to Poland after my trip, and I had to add one more episode to the blog “what happened after/before journey” : P
Otherwise it is three part multimediapresentation, but pre-episode is comic --> :D
so, soon soon …

-mr. rægæ-