Random Sample Pack Generator

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strtolower() in C:\xrns-sf\scripts\rndpack.php on line 61

And as I’d never tried xrns-sf till now… I had no idea why you would want it ported to PHP :P … now I know ;)

I’m in IRC now trying to resolved this.


What version of PHP are you using? That function should be available since 4.3.0

That being said, this is a PHP5 script, PHP5 being released three years ago and all.

EDIT: mbstring is not a default extension, wow, you learn something new everyday.

Alls good with XRNS-SF now… =D

So am I to presume that very few people have tried this… or found it useful? Is the commandline interface a barrier to most people? Does this even seem like a useful tool? I was really hoping I’d at least get a few “this will make life easier” responses :P

I feel that this could indeed be a very, very useful piece of software - but (atleast to me) the command-line “interface” is way to complicated. :unsure:

Isn’t there anyone out there who would like to make a GUI? :o

A simple little Xrns-PHP front-end would probably suffice.

Conner_bw ported it already, it’s “rndpack” in the scripts list.