When i choose to read the manual from renoise, nothing happens!
Can the downloaded manual be installed ?
Why is it not a piece of the installation ??? (illogical)
If anyone knows…?
When i choose to read the manual from renoise, nothing happens!
Can the downloaded manual be installed ?
Why is it not a piece of the installation ??? (illogical)
If anyone knows…?
Same here, it should open a browser window, but seems like the open browser function has stopped working.
I’m on Vista with Firefox as default browser.
And what’s the point to have manual downloaded, when it links to online version when you search anything ?
I think the manual has always lagged a bit behind the releases, that’s probably the main reason so that people can get a recent updated version of it.
(… it’s actually a very nice manual, good job)
Guess you must do the hard work of creating a bookmark for it, and put it in your “Quick start” tool bar.
my music making computer isn’t hooked up to the net. I just thought I’d like to share that
Because the search is code running on a webserver andnot just static HTML. It sure beats just leaving out the option to search…
The “offline edition” is not always updated for a few changes (reuploading 32mb for every tiny change here and there is a bit ackward to do so.), the online edition is the most up to date.
You can always create your own offline edition by clicking the printable link, this is practically the offline edition, though then you have the most up to date offline version.
And if you use tools like HTTrack, you can keep it up to date yourself.
I am afraid this is one of the reasons, i’ve never seen anyone putting up a local http server just to be able to store a local manual of an application (and allows you searching).
The current problem with todays PDF format (which allows you a lot better search capabilities) is that this seems to have incompatability options with certain PDF viewers. (Like the MacOS native pdf viewer)
Adobe’s Acrobat Reader is by far the best, but because it is bloatware, lots of folks refuse to install Acrobat because it takes up far more space than necessary. (90MB for just a reader application is even in my opinion rediculous). Not only that, all animations are lost, now not that a printer can print these animations very vividly either, but you have at least something to look at when you do not have an internet connection but do have the HTML pages.
Most of the info is on that one page and a simple “find” can be just performed.
It can be done. I’ve seen Adobe software with search functionality (java-based, I think). Also, PHP should be able to pull it off without the need to install a HTTP server.
Someone must have come up with a solution for this?
The manual (great work BTW, vV: ) would be more handy like this, as many DAW’s aren’t connected to the net.
How about Google desktop…
For Windows, Linux and Mac
Takes a lot of work out of my hands
Nope. When you request a .php file from a webserver, it goes “wait a second, let me execute the content of the file and sent the result of that instead of sending the content directly”. If you open a local .php file with a browser it doesn’t get executed. I don’t know if browsers can be pointed to the result of a command - if so, you wouldn’t need a webserver, but still PHP, and I doubt it can be done anyway?
To do it with javascript I guess you’d need an index of everything in a single .js file? That would be big, so how about a “all the manual in one file/on one page” edition so you can just use the find function of browsers? Would be just as big, but less complicated (if merging all pages into one can be automated, that is).
I prefer CHM format. Anyone care try the Microsoft HTML help workshop on the offline manual? it should be able to build a CHM file of HTML files… !!!
That did not worked perfect on the images that were on the pages (images cut or split etc.) and the external pages were not included when i messed around with html help. It may have changed over time but i though HTML help was a dying breed anyway?
What i personally did yesterday was downloading the manual, downloading google-desktop and only added the folder that i installed the manual to and reindexed the contents.
And from then i could search from within the browser, no big deal actually, a very straight-forward solution.
Ahhh yeah, deja vu, didn’t we have the same talk long time ago
Keep on rockin
Probably… i left out the HTML2PDF irritations this time which was also part of the debate back then.
(owh and the irrelevant page breaks on spots where i did not inserted page breaks and ignored page breaks where i did put page breaks)
Word of advice to the developers, it would be a great idea to incorporate the manual into the actual program itself.
Whatever section of the program you’re hovering over with the mouse while pressing F1 should bring up a portion of the manual that describes everything you can possibly do with that portion of the screen.
Screamtracker and Impulse Tracker both had an amazing help system that worked in this method and there is no better way to get users hooked on your program than having a great help system…(Is that why everyone hates Microsoft?)
Also, I don’t even have access too broadband where I live… So having to load the manual online or download a 30 meg manual is just shit.
Haha? No, the MS help is just there to hide the non-information behind blurb and blah… to actually get customers they lie to them with a straight face, while kicking people in the shins under the table. Some people seem to not notice that and get confused… however, it’s all documented on the internet: if you’re really interested in why MS is like a lame, whimpy, stinky version of the Borg, look for it and you will find plenty. Even among the polemics and zealotry and blind bashing. Plenty I say.
foams at mouth
i say, put in the videos and some video helper animatoons!
turn Renoise into ExclusiveWare weighing in at a massive 1.9.1 (deep voice) GIGABYTES!
i believe the whole reason why the help is not in there is because renoise is updated so often (with users contributed ideas) that the manual comes after release. so it can’t be included.
once you understand the basics, Renoise is Extremely easy to use.
and the cool thing about this community is you won’t typically get some dick doing the RTFM when you need a simple answer to a plausiblely stupid question.
even, some days when my head feels inside out i will ask the same question i have asked a couple years ago, and it’s all okay cuz i see it as the more of the same exact questions worded differently we have here, the easier it gets to use the forum search for new people.
overall i do like the idea of accessing help inside.
i think the only way it would work properly is putting an html viewer in a tab.
like the mixer/instrument/sampler/PR, but even then i think there would be confusion and some dissatisfaction.
here is what you do:
if you want the help inside renoise.
don’t flame the board like a dick.
think about the absolutely best idea you can come up with right now for help inside renoise, type it into the forums post field make sure it’s ‘perfect’ then do an alt-f4, open renoise and think about how renoise is put together and how your idea won’t work with out it being a popup window.
once you have that down. having firefox/opera/ie/konqueror/safari/seamonkey/iceweasel/etc open with the help right there is perfect!
Come on dude, the whole M$ thing has been going on since the dark ages. Just be smart and don’t buy into their marketing and you’re safe. (80 year old grandma’s that decide to get into the whole “Computin’ kraze” will not be safe, however.
The only thing that M$ dominates is OS and with XP they have a decent winner all around, Vista I can’t say the same.
A offline pattern effect command reference would be cool.
It’s the one part I keep forgetting from time to time (yeah, embarrassing, I know…)
yes a guide to the people who DONT have internet on their music computers would benefit a whole lot from and offline help system