Is it only my Reaktor instrument window that is very tiny so you have to scroll around with those damned scrollbars even with small synths?
Is it possible to change Reaktors window size in Renoise to get more space for editing?
Searched the forum and it seems that Reaktor has some problems in Renoise. Seems to work fine otherwise.
which version are you using?
Reaktor 4 has started to be working correctly since 4.1.3.
Still, it gives some problems in ReNoise because of its customizable panel views, but if you didn’t try 4.1.3, I suggest you to give it a try.
Thanks IT-Alien
I think I have something like 4.03
But I have to wait until I have saved the money to get the real thing though…
I have a Generator 1.5 original (floppy version!) but it doesn’t work as a VSTi and doesn’t have ASIO. Can’t upgrade/crossgrade either