Reaktor Overloads

not sure about this issue but when i load reaktor it loads fine and i can play sounds in it from the instrument edit view, but as soon as i close the edit view and go to put in notes or do anything in renoise, reaktor will have turned itself off saying “processor overload”

ive been using reaktor forever so i know this happens when your CPU load is too high but thing is, i have a p4 3.0 and 1 gig of ram. the ensemble was only at like 20% processor with no other VSTI or VST intruments used in the track (track was at CPU power like 1%)

i thought maybe it was a latancy issue because i use the onboard sound of my asus p4p800 motherboard (untill i can afford a decent sound card) it normally gives latency around 30ms i think. so i increased the latency up to 300 and buffer up to 512 which helpd a bit but reaktor would still overload after a few seconds.

anyone know what im doing wrong here? or is this a bug or something? id REALLY like to be able to use reaktor within renoise that would be badnes … thanks ;)

which version of Reaktor are you using?

Reaktor as a VSTi has always been buggy, but at least 4.0x versions are usable, while 3.x were not.

Are you using a selfmade ensemble? An overload can occur if the ensemble is not correctly designed, but this is quite difficult to happen.

ok i guess i should have tested more ensembles before posting here :unsure: it seems most other ensembles are working OK (only when i set the buffer to 512 … seems the overloading is more dependant on the processing buffer because with most other ensembles i can get my latency lower with no problems) it was probly a problem with this perticualr ensemble. this is the one i was testing with…190691&cache=13

the author admits its pretty CPU heavy. it runs fine in cubase sx at about 21% CPU so i figured it should in renoise also.

gues thats the problem but ill still have to test more ensembles and see what happens