Recommended commercial VST's

The products aren’t bad, but Melda really needs a new GUI designer…

Hm, pretty sure it’s the case If you’ve got a proper (mono) mix. Then you just need to duck the remaining peaks with a compressor or limiter. And if necessary you could add sidechain/s, too. Personally I’m an advocate of keeping it simple, the less devices the better the result imo. Effectiveness is key. Just let us know about your experience with MAutoVolume. As far as I know it was primarily made for controlling volume of vocals.

Only buy on Black Friday. :point_up:

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Pay 15,- a month and get access to all SSL plugins, the’re awesome.

Maybe the company is called “Melda” because the guy is just a “melder” of knobs and grids and buttons into the plugins’ GUIs, or because the plugins meld the sound

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe the developer is an Arab, Spaniard or Italian and “Melda” is its first name or from someone else. But what’s a “melder”? I only know “melder” (Norwegian) and “melden” (German), which means “to report”. Or “Melder” (German), which means either “detector” or “runner” respectively “messenger” (military). Anyway, all I know for sure is that Melda has got ugly GUIs in general. :wink:


I like how minimal and utilitarian they are, personally

Well IMHO it lacks of overview, and once you want to setup modulators or detail settings, those annoying exclusive popup windows appear, which then even are daw blocking keyboard input. If you could at least rearrange the elements and resize it, maybe that would help. I find popup windows in a vst plugin very disturbing for the workflow. Only registration or warnings should be exclusive popups… I think that also is common sense.

In my recent snip I mostly made the sounds with MSoundFactory. Maybe it is actually the most capable synth after Zebra3… But designing presets is very annoying to do. Esp. the filters suck, mostly in gui I think. The sweetspot of those are tiny, also the filter types are very generic only. The gui makes it difficult to find those sweetspots.

Voijtech does not seem to develop these anymore, instead now that engineer is working on it (with more ideas than Voijtech it seems). I think the Melda guys consider the GUI system as complete and do not care anymore for suggestions…

I’ve never used MSoundFactory although I have heard that it is very capable, mostly just their free utility plugs. UI does become more important as the depth of a plugin scales…

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lol melder is actually melter. it’s new jersey english. it took me a minute to remember the proper spelling

edit: or maybe im just dumb!

Idk, as far as I know there’s no “melder”, but I’m not a native speaker. But indeed there’s a verb “to meld” as well as “to melt”. Both have similar meanings, but seemingly there’s a difference. If you “melt” something, there’s one single material/object that’s getting “melted”, but if you’re melting two or more materials/objects and merge those molten materials/objects, you actually “meld” them. So if colloquially spoken and based on that definition of “to meld”, your sentence “the plugins meld the sound” did make sense to me as a German. In German “to melt” means “schmelzen” and “to meld” means “verschmelzen”. Indeed there’s a difference, but it’s the same as described above, so it has the same meaning.

They look like created and designed 26 years ago, very old-fashioned stuff in every aspect. And personally I don’t think they’re that minimal. But yeah, they’re definitely “utilitarian”. They do the job, too, but they look ugly like nearly every 90s software. Personally I would like plugins to look either stylish/modern like for example the FabFilter stuff, Novum or Gulfoss, to look minimal and basic like for example the Valhalla stuff.or to look vintage like the original hardware just like plugins created by Softube. Personally I wouldn’t want and luckily I don’t need to use plugins that look ugly that often. There are PLENTY of plugins doing the same stuff the same way, they just look different. So no need to purchase the ugly stuff. :wink:

I would guess the meaning of the name has something to do with it:

IMO i agree the GUI is a bit finicky and not as pretty as it could have been, but i guess it does the job. There are some strange things and behavior i just can’t understand, things like if i load a preset then suddenly the whole plugin changes completely and the device list disappears and i have no idea how to get it back, so i either have to load a preset where the GUI goes back to normal or if i don’t have that i must reload the plugin. Another thing is that certain aspects are not very consistent, like their use of the term MultiBand (MB for short) is a bit misleading as some of their plugins with MB in the name works in a way that you can parallel process fully customize up to 6 bands individually, while some other with MB in the name doesn’t have any of that at all, it seems they only have some background processing going on that you have no control over. At least that’s how it seems, unless there is someting i’m missing…
Apart from this i’m very happy with at least the above mentioned plugins and i forgot to mention the MMorph plugin wich also very nice for experimenting.
It’s similar to a vocoder, but meant for morphing one sound into another. The morphing is not just crossfading from one sound to another, it kinda takes the shape from one sound and applies to the other similar to how a vocoder does it, but based on a little more intricate processing. It’s a fun toy i have been experimenting a lot with lately. It can sure make some interesting sounds, transition effects, risers, bass effects and good for adding movement in pads and such.

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“The name Melda has origins in the ancient language of language

lol that article is bizarro

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That reminds of this wonderful ai obituary:


In lieu of flowers, send Brenda more life


It’s also good to see that the funeral will be held “at heaven”.

Indeed! The author also says Melda is strong in Germany. I’ve never ever met a German who’s name is “Melda”, which is definitely an arabic/turkish name. And I’m pretty sure ZELDA is way more popular in Europe and the western world… :wink:

According to some articles there are modifications of that name, just like “Imelda” in Spain and Italy or “Irmhild” in Germany. But the truth is, “Irmhild” is based on germanic language and Imelda is a modification of Irmhild and not of Melda. In Europe “Melda” ist just the shortcut for “Imelda”, and it has a different meaning than the arabic/turkish “Melda”. But besides of that, I just noticed there’s also a river in France that’s called “Melda”. Where’s “MeldaProductions” from? Czech Republic? Anyway…

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I didn’t really read through that article, i just saw it supposedly meant something like “graceful” or “beautiful”, which i thought made sense, but i just skimmed through the article now and well, if “Meldon” is a Scandinavian name i must have missed something as i have never heard of a single person with that name. Seems to be a whole lot of bs, is it some product of AI perhaps? A sane person can’t have written that?

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I don’t know this for a fact, but that melda-origin page is an ai vomiting nonsense, indeed.

Icarus 3 is really awesome. Although I have a bunch of synth and FX plugins, the only synths you really need are Hive and Icarus. Razor is underrated, and Falcon and Omnisphere are good for wild, cinematic sounds. As for FX, the BLEASS plugins will get you there. Tritik, Audiority, and ToneBoosters are also awesome!

My next purchase!
But just osx right now.