Recording External Instruments

Can someone help me out here …
I am using my moduar trough renoise as external instrument ( line in device ) …all works like a charm …
Now I routed the modular to some send tracks and applied different effects on each send …Now The problem is that when I want to record the signal ( in the sample editor ) you normallly have the option to include the effects from track x/y/z…

So if I choose the track which the modular is routed to ( track 1 +send evices to send tracks ) it should normally include the sends right ??, which it doesn’t

No actually if you want that to work, Renoise should allow you to choose the send-channel instead, which it currently doesn’t (i forgot about the reason why).
However, if you put the cursor in the send-track and then push the FX button in the sample editor, the sendtrack fx are applied to the channel… only not realtime.