Recording Midi With A Musician, Help


I have the following midi question : I am working with a pianist on a track.
He has his own midi keyboard. We tried a couple of times but even with “record note delays” in “chord” mode and at a speed of 03, Renoise can’t seem to record what he plays with great precision. The note off’s and delays are imprecise.

Is there a solution for better definition midi recording (as can be found on most bar sequencers … ) ?

Please don’t tell me to use speed 01 or send me a box of aspirins ;)

The resolution is simply not high enough. So you have to increase the BPM to get more ticks per beat.
You can however increase to speed setting too (after increasing the BPM) to get slower scroll-speed, but this will not help you on shorter notes.

Only thing that could help you would be to use for instance energyXT as vsti synched to renoise. Then you can use the pianoroll in there with high precision.