Hi. Sorry to come out sounding like an idiot. I downloaded the demo. Looked at the maual and the online tutorials. I loaded a vsti and pressed record and played a little. Then I played it back and none of the spaces were recorded that exist between the notes that I played. Is this what a “tracker” is all about?
I was hoping that is I play a riff into renoise, a riff that includes some spaces, synchopation, that renoise can play it back.
I have Logic and Live and Reason. Reason’s sequencer is the best of all of those… but no vstis. I was hoping that Renoise could fill the void I feel, and that it’s more pattern oriented sequencing approach could help me out.
For recording riffs and the like, try pressing right shift key, then perform your jam.
I don’t think i need to add too much more up to so far.
You might walk into problems if you want to jam in percussion lines as the polyphonic recording engine does not have the keyjazz trigger anymore which made it possible to record sequences in one column only.
So for percussion it will be using the edit step values and manually construct the percussion lines.
To record between the notes, enable record with note delay, this will record notes that are played between the lines. However the notes will end up on the lines, but with a delay value (d1-5) next to them that show you that they will be played between the lines and when it will be played.
By default the number of positions between the lines are 5. Because the speed is 6. And the visible lines counts as the first of these 6 lines.
However you could also increase the number of possible positions between the lines by as an example double the speed to 12. then you will also need to double the bpm.
Other things to get a good recording is to use ASIO.
Yes the shift key automatically enables pattern following mode and the record delay button takes care that fine-tune grooves are recorded as measured and not aligned to either the upper or lower row the measurement was done.