Red Bull Music Academy

Crap, I am very late with this because I completely forgot about it myself and have to fill out my application tonight/tomorrow and get it to the post-office …

However, if you are free and interested, please take a look at :

It’s basically a one-week music/production/dj-workshop in toronto in fall this year, all travel cost and expenses paid by red bull (european energy drink).

I have no idea what people they are looking for, but I will give it a try and send in an application for sure.

You basically need to download the application form here, fill it out, make a CD with some of your tracks and send it to them. Because filling out the form takes some time (it’s large but contains a few very interesting questions) and you have to send it in the letter being poststamped no later than 4th of may (thats tomorrow) you might want to cancel your plans for tonight or just call in sick at work tomorrow or something …

Well, just read abit about it on their website, I think it’s really an interesting thing and maybe a few renoisers will meet there in a few months and show some cubasers/logicers something different … would be great.

PS:Probably they won’t really sort out envelopes that are stamped on 5th of may or something …

ohh that seem nice… but I don’t think I’ll try out…

man its nice for you… if you get choosen… you get a free trip to canada!

Yeah, I finished my application just in time. I don’t know if I get chosen (it’s really like a lottery I guess), but I just couldn’t let this slip by without at least trying it.

yeah that’s exactly what I think… well I wish you’ll get chosen… I read the application questions and it seems very interesting… they really want to know who they are getting…

I also noticed that they ask you to write your country of origin on the back of the envelope… that sounded like a “we won’t even open the envelope if you are a nigger” or something like this… what do you think?

no, I think that has to do with the fact that they try to have a real international audience, so they won’t pick let’s say a whole bunch of germans. I guess they make piles of people applying from different countries and choose the best/most fitting from each country. I really don’t think it’s racist or something.

hmm yeah that makes a lot of sense… it’s not like if it was a grocery store looking for some cheap labor (i heard a similar racist story about a local grocery brand…)

and I think it’s much more interesting for them if they get people from all over the world…

Yeah, but your conspiracy theory is nice too. :P