
Hey something is happening in the dark… (see glitch).

Watching the tralier again and again, each time I’m too excited when I think about what we’ll be able to do with that!

That will be awesome.

My maschine is ready for xrni action!!!

Where’s the cat pics at .lolz

They’re all in the “while waiting for redux” thread in the off topic section.

I was just thinking about how DrumDrops has some acoustic drum kits for Renoise , typically the Soul and also the Ringo kit sound interesting and how cool it be to use those kits in a different DAW with Redux , also was thinking about how cool it be if someone made a Kalimba , Hang Drum , etc etc instruments for it too . I know there is Kontact but I just never wanted to get roped in to that NI update your Kontact version # with all that update pricing $$$ . Not for me .