Render Selection Problem

Hi there.

I have a rather annoying problem with the render selection function. When I render a selected area of a track consisting of - in this case - a Reaktor ensemble, I get a gap of silence in the beginning of the resulting rendered sample. Ofcourse I can just delete that, but the thing is that the rendered sample has a slightly different bpm-setting… so the sample wont loop properly in the track. I’m talking about half a bpm or something like that… what is causing this? And how do I fix this? I did a quick search of the other posts here to see if there were others with the same problem, but had no luck…


  • Torben

does this occur with every kind of VSTi and sample rendering?

are you rendering at sample frequency different than 44khz?

I have experienced this with Native Instruments Reaktor 5, ConcreteFX Vectrik and Gmedia ImpOSCar. I’m using 44khz.

I haven’t used the render selection function much before so I haven’t noticed if the behaviour is the same with my other VSTi’s.

i’ve had this problem with heavy vst:effects which should be used in a delay-compensation-compatible-host… but then the out-of-sync should be able to hear before you render as well if you have internal samples or whatever which doesn’t suffer from latency…

as a last resource, try raising renoise.exe task priority to “above normal” and render with “realtime” priority

Did you also tried the rendering priority option “Real (VST compatability mode)”?

@yoki: I have only experienced the added delay in the rendered sample - not in the playback.

@It-Alien & vvoois: I used the shortcut in the right-click menu to render a selection, but I’ve also tried rendering the selection using the rendering-menu. And as you both suggested I tried to render using the Real mode. Same result. I also tried switching audio device type from my default M-Audio ASIO to ASIO4ALL and even Directsound… same results… Even tried turning the latency down to extreme depths to see if that had any influence… it didn’t though…

I wonder if this might be a bug - or a subject to improvement perhaps? B)

  • Torben

It seems some timing issue… again…
What if you would set the bpm of Renoise to an actual bpm? not that i would want you to create your songs using only speed and bpm combinations that have exact bpm output, but just to see if your plugin does sync correctly when using those speeds:

These values combined with a speed of 6 will al create an exact bpm rate:

75, 90, 98, 105, 125, 126, 150, 175, 210, 225, 245, 250, 294, 315

Render it again and tell us if it runs in sync.

That worked wonders… I havent used anything but the speed+bpm setting (old tracker legacy I guess), so that might be the cause of my frustrations… but - basicly this means that if I want to render parts of a pattern into a combined sample, I would have to be using either strictly a bpm-setting or one of the suggested combined speed+bpm settings? If so, well, I can live with it, but a fix would be really nice :)

  • Torben

hmm… this reminds me about something i experience now and then, i get some additional silence added in the tail (usually about 2 lines long i think) of the rendered sample sometimes… not as irritating as having it in the beginning, but maybe this is related to the same bug (if it is a bug).

I had a slight idea it may be related to that problem.
But this means that Reaktor Ensemble cannot be synchronised properly to the host (no deviation factors but pure BPM rates) or you have to manually adjust the BPM setting in Reaktor Ensemble. If you can do that up to 3 decimals precise, then you can find the actual bpm rate in the song properties.

I’ve already pointed out these issues existed some time ago.
It is a known problem but i can’t tell you if it can be easily fixed, just that Taktik is figuring out how to solve this.

Ok, good to know that it’s a known problem… and that Taktik is on it. Thanks for your help on this, Vincent.


  • Torben

torben have you tried to change the control rate of Reaktor? it controls the update time of event signals inside the program, maybe it helps setting it a bit higher. just a guess though, good to hear taktik and co try to solve this from inside renoise.

as for rendering, why not render two patterns of the same part an cut the damaged first one out after? i often do that (or double pattern lenght) when i render. this way you also get the decay of notes at the bottom pattern end recorded that would be missing otherways. like an open hihat or something that suddenly sounds ‘gated’ when you playback the rendering. phil collins is just around the corner beware!

How can he mess up your songs? Ghosting his techniques by accident?

he puts a gated reverb on your forehead, swaps phases and all you can think of all of a sudden is ‘i can’t dance!’ quite tragic to look at i tell you

Thanks for the suggestions tonschabe. Changing the controlrate in Reaktor wont help much as I also have the same problem with my other synths. However your suggestion about rendering 2 patterns sounds like a good idea. I will definately try that.
