Render Selection To Sample (options)

The “Render selection to sample” feature in Renoise will put the rendered sample in a new sample-slot for each time the user will render a selection. This results in a lot of sample-slots being occupied unnecessarily.

Wouldn’t it be more convenient if the user could just select one dedicated sample-slot for the rendered files, and then each new rendered sample would be automatically placed/stored within the sub-slots of that main sample-slot? (E.g. in the same way as a drumkit.)

could be useful.

Hmmm… why not melodic instruments? The rendered files wouldn’t have to be pitched, since they essentially would be part of the simple “freeze” procedure to clear up CPU resources etc.

I guess it just isn’t possible to program Renoise to (optionally) load the rendered selections automatically into the sub-slots of a sample rather than in a new main sample-slot every time, because of the way the software is designed. Correct?