thanks again to all for the great support. the list below speaks for itself.
In short: the most stable and performance improved version of
Renoise that was ever made
- <>>>>>>> General <<<<<<<>
Improved ASIO performance
Improved VST / VSTi performance
Improved performance of native effects
Improved GUI performance
Less memory usage
Unlimited number of Send Tracks (controlled by the new Send Track Device)
for grouping effects -
Master Track (add effects that will apply on all tracks) for internal
mastering -
All keyboard shortcuts are user definable now via an internal
editor (configs/keyboard) or manually by editing the “Keyboardmapping.xml” file -
New Keyboard shortcuts
+copy/paste/clear/flip/randomize current Note or Effect Column (LShift+LControl F4/F5/F3/F6/F7)
+inc/dec Step add,
+set octave 0 - 8
+diskop page scroll, home end -
(registered version only) you can render now using resolution up to
32bit float / 96000 Hz. Tracks can be dumped to a individual WAV file
(for further processing in multi track editors) or into one File for
simple mastering -
config / themes keyboard mapping are stored as
XML files. This helps us a lot with format compatibility
(from now on these files are upwards and downwards compatible)
and you can edit them in a simple text editor if you know what
you are doing
- <>>>>>>> Import <<<<<<<>
Loop points of *.WAV files are imported now
Added Impulse Tracker Modules import (*.it)
- <>>>>>>> Pattern Editor <<<<<<<>
Number of undo steps are now unlimited and are stored on the hard disk
Rec Note Delay option: record note-on and note-off tick precise
Every note row has now a Instrument, Volume and Panning Row
command 0x03 (set volume) sets the volume for all note rows at once.
The panning row works now exactly like the volume row: when no panning
is set the default panning is used (center) -
Better Note/Effect Column handling
new keyboard shortcuts for copy/pasting single Columns,
the Panning- and Volume column can be shown/hidden in every Track -
Continuously block paste
LControl + LShift + V will fill (paste) the block segment till the pattern end -
When you delete a pattern effect number with the delete key,
the value is also deleted -
Added (again) logarithmic interpolation in the pattern editor with LControl + L
- <>>>>>>> Sequencer <<<<<<<>
- “Clone pattern” button : creates a new unique pattern from the current one
- <>>>>>>> MIDI <<<<<<<>
Fixed : random MIDI note offs in some weird situations
Fixed: Bank Select sends now a 14bit bank switch
MIDI Instruments have now a Base Note property
Default Velocity is obsolete now -
MIDI program and bank changes are optional now, you can enable or disable them
- <>>>>>>> VST Instruments/Effects <<<<<<<>
VST instruments have now a Base Note property. Default Velocity is obsolete
now. -
Added a VSTi Automate Device for automating VSTi’s more easily
VST Effect which have more than 5 controls and an own editor
will show up with hidden sliders automatically. Click on the
small (up/down) arrow to show/hide them manually
- <>>>>>>> Sample Editor <<<<<<<>
When holding down LShift while dragging Loop Marker (Sample or Instrument Envelopes)
the loop range will be moved instead of the single marker -
The playing position of all channels and tracks
of a sample is in now displayed as a vertical line in the sample Editor
- <>>>>>>> Instrument Box <<<<<<<>
Added copy and paste into the instrument box.
All properties (also VST instruments and MIDI Instruments are copied),
“delete” copies the instrument first. -
Samples and instruments can be renamed now by clicking
with the right mouse button on the name
- <>>>>>>> Track Automation / Instrument Envelopes <<<<<<<>
Track Envelopes have now a 3rd Play Mode (Curve) which
does hermite interpolation instead of linear interpolation (Lines Mode) -
The number of Track Envelopes (automation) per Track/Pattern
is now unlimited (was limited to 16 before) -
When dragging an envelope point in the Instrument or
Track Envelopes Graph the new value and position is shown in the status bar
- <>>>>>>> Visualization <<<<<<<>
Added peaks in the spectrum analyzer
You can control the number of plotted samples in the Stereo and Track Scopes
now (Width)
- <>>>>>>> Disk Browser <<<<<<<>
- Delete in the diskop moves the files/folders now to
the recycle bin instead of erasing them completely
- <>>>>>>> Pattern Commands <<<<<<<>
- Retrigger Command 0xE0: the first digit sets now the volume
of the retriggered sample
Value Effect on volume each retrig.
0 No change
1 -1
2 -2
3 -4
4 -8
5 -16
6 *2/3
7 *1/2
8 No change
9 +1
A +2
B +4
C +8
D +16
E *3/2
F *2
- <>>>>>>> Bug fixes <<<<<<<>
Bug Fix: missing envelopes after saving a song with copied automation
Bug Fix: CC, Pitch bend and Program Changes where send to
a MIDI Instrument when it was turned off -
Bug fix: Halion’s key zones are restored now properly
when loading songs -
Bug fix: Shift, Left and Right keys are now swapped by default:
Left jumps to the previous page, right to the next one,
the key Home jumps to the first instrument,
the key end jumps to the last one
but remember that you can set this manually -
Bug Fix: fixed freezing when closing Massiva VSTi’s
and crash when closing Virtual Sampler VSTi -
Bug Fix: fixed missing Envelope Bug after loading
a song. -
Bug Fix: EQ10 and EQ5 didn’t changed their values
when automated -
Bug Fix: Loop Points and base notes of XI’s are imported correctly now
Bug Fix: tons of other minor and major stuff
Bug Fix: crash on startup on Sony laptops
And as usual, everything we forgot and tons of minor things