Renoise 1.5

I just got by myself cofused reading here and there that Renoise 1.5 will have a pianoroll and a arranger. This is definitly not true.

Whats true is, that it will have a totally redesigned interface and engine under the hood, with lots of improved GUI details that will make the life for tracking newbies easier and solve the most common critisism weve got so far from our power users.
We decided not to add again tons of features here and there, but to make a point and concentrate on making whats currently available easier to use. If we didnt, the interface would start exploding by the load of possibilities and new stuff that we will add in future, so I personally think this was a good descision.

I cant give you the full list of changes now, this would be to easy wouldnt it ? :) But be prepared …

Whats also true is that the MAC port will be available with 1.5. We will start with the alpha testing in a few days …

Now that’s a way to announce a .2 version skip :lol:

Or did you mean 1.3? Or you did mean 1.5, but the 1.3 is going to happen anyway? I’m confused, did I miss something? :blink:

Anyhow, in my humble, registered user opinion redesigned interface and high resolution playing engine implementation would justify the 1.3->1.5 jump.

Can’t wait for the beta!


Formerly known 1.3 version has been renamed to 1.5

how many times should we need to repeat this? :rolleyes:

No, no, no. Nothing like that.

maybe for anti-confusing new people a offical RoadMap should be published by the dev-team in the news section of the Renoise-Website … like we know it from or something like that. so all questions of upcoming features - yes/no in 1.5 - or something like that are no themes @ this forum …

What?! :o I was sure high resolution player will be implemented in the next version! Crap! I still won’t be able to record those knob tweaks accurately <_< :(

I’m not really new here, registered for a year (or so) now. I missed the 1.3->1.5 change because I entered this thread before reading new posts in the “where’s 1.3” thread. I agree a roadmap for the next version or two would be nice (and a wishlist too).

I don’t feel “rename” is the right word for shortening people’s registration periods - and to be honest, without the high resolution, I’m not sure if the 1.3->1.5 version jump is fully justified. We’ll see.


How can you say that if you havnt even seen the version ?
If we had called it 1.3, this would mean a 0.2 version jump. What do you expect from such a version then ?

We dont want to steal anyone anything. This version will be a huge step forward. You cant expect that all your dream features will be implemented at once.

Hey dudes, give to us some NEW screenshot from last days :D :huh:

Maybe it would be a good idea sometimes to release smaller chunks at regular intervals. we were spoilt by previous smaller and more frequent releases probably.

but if the 1.5 is going to be big and vast improvement, it would be fully justified. still, i’d recommend we all suspend judgement until 0-day. i’m very very confident the team won’t steal our money. they have proven their worth more than once.

such a policy proved to be ineffective:
versions from 1.25 to 1.281 were mostly bugfixing versions, some of which were released too in an hurry, generating some more problems.

heh :)

in general … i’m happy with every good new version … 1.3 1.5 1.3/4 2.4376 or what ever the name will be :lol: … in 1 month we publish or new single … 3 great songs done with Renoise 1.281 … and now i want to drive to hamburg for vocal recording … so long - a nice creative weekend to all … :D :rolleyes: B)

Sorry Taktik, seems that you replied to my post before I edited it, because I asked myself the same thing and changed it to:

We’ll see.

What would I expect from the 1.5 version? The highres player :D

But seriously, to me each of the big new features is +0.1 - new interface 1.3, hires player 1.4, arranger 1.5, pianoroll 1.6 etc. (these are just examples). If any of the features is really hard to implement, give it a +0.2 jump, but I think this should be announced in form of a road-map and not: “renoise 1.3 has been renamed to 1.5”. When you announce a 1.3 version and then “rename” it to 1.5, people may think - “hey! my registration just got shorter!”. In my opinion a much better way to do the “rename” would be to release the upcoming version as 1.3 and then announce the next two versions get a +0.2 jump because of the revolutionary new features - noone would argue :)

I don’t expect any feature implemented at once - but there’s been quite some time since the 1.281 version and as for some unknown reason I was convinced the upcoming version will have the highres player I got really impatient (I can’t finish some of my stuff without the higher resolution and accurate MIDI recording).

Finally, I don’t think you stole anything. Renoise is a great program, your effort deserves higher appreciation and I already have the money ready for the upgrade (unless it’ll have a $250 price tag) - I just don’t agree with the “version renaming” policy. It’s not a nice way, post a road-map, please.


I agree that a roadmap will help removing all this confuseness that we have now, but “renaming” is really the wrong word for what we did.
The final release isnt out yet, so we cant rename anything as it still had no name. But well, now its too late … The versionnumber should just reflect what the program gains with the new release, and belive me, Renoise currently feels like reborn.

About the features : I dont know if you know how programming works, but you cannot expect from us that we will reinvent the whole tracker concept within a 0.1 version jump with a small crew that we are.
This “highres player” might sound like the perfect solution for you, but its really more than just making all more precise. Its evil.
Trackers are based on ticks, this is the basic concept of every tracker you can find. So removing this, is something like reinventing the tracker concept. Maybe Renoise is no Tracker at all after losing the Ticks, but that a question of definition.
To be realistic, I dont think that this will be done within the next small updates. We will run into so many compatibility problems that cannot be fixed at all (or where we at least have no solutions now), that I think that its a bad descision to do this in a hurry and without solving and discussion all the problems in detail here with all users in the forum.
So I dont want to say that we dont want to do this at all, but it will take time, and we will improve lots of stuff before we have a tickfree player. Thats for sure.

Also if you just need more precise control by using the trackenvelopes, then Renoise 1.5 will solve at least partly your problems, as we improved the resolution of the envelopes.

About the roadmap again :
I dont think that we can plan everything till for example the 2.0 release. The time that we can spend on this project constantly changes, the people that are involved might leave or someone might join, but just to add a specific feature. A roadmap to every next reelase should be done though.

I think its fair, this update has been in the making for 4-5 months now.
And IMO the renoise is crew is very generous towards their customers…
I think this step was probably a very vise move.

Considering the progress renoise has made since 1.0 I don’t think the 1.3 > 1.5 version jump is unfair in any way. :huh:

Besides, as I see it, an arranger and a piano roll would even motivate a version 2.0 so if we get these things in 1.6 or 1.7… I sure as hell won’t complain.

/phonkey (registered user)

edit: this is not directed at any one in particular… :)

Renoise 1.5
Imagine the world without it… scary aint it?

Good luck in justifying Renoise 2.0 when the day comes…
;) :D

imho, 1.4 is good version number here. 1.5 will be good for tickless player, or for another big changes in the engine. i feel like there are some features that should be done before 1.5. but anyway, it’s up to the developers. they code, that’s important.

Cosidering what you get with OTHER software packages, programs, and releases… I think any complaining of any kind on the part of the version jump would be, nil…

Consider for a moment, Linux… Windows, or anything else… if there was any kind of version jump, you would simply be buying an ‘upgrade’ cd for the amount of the original package again… whereas seoftware updates for the backage you bought, or minor fixes would be free…

you should all be happy you don’t have to pay a whole amount for a complete rebuild! … most other companies, or otherwise would be deeming a complete rebuild a 2.0 and say “pay up” … reguardless of quality … need I say “Windows ME”!?! … and hell… that wasn’t a complete from the ground up rebuild…

but to compare renoise to Windows would be a mistake… I mean after all… does microsoft listen to it’s users and fix the problems ASAP? it’s not like they have the abilities to steal and implement everyone elses ideas in thier program … they only listen to people’s requests… oh my god… get your mony back now… they’re stealing your money with a .2 version jump…

NOT… (did that really need to be said?)

it seems to be a recurring statement on this message base… people are easily spoiled… …

I’ll step down from my soapbox now… :)

Damn, I have so much fun with Renoise NOW, that any enhancement or added feature is considered pure luxury and bonus in my eyes…


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