Renoise 1.8 Xml Format Discussion

Wil try to add the discussed changes for the next beta, but really can not promise anything. Depends on how many bugs are in the que.

Or moving to AS3.

True. Just wish there was a good enough reason to get into it properly yet. The few things i’ve done with the F9 alpha have performed… unnaturally fast. Hotness.

Some changes have been made for the XRNS format in Beta 6:

  • pattern lines are no longer saved via the string magics, but are broken down into NoteColumn,Note/Instrument/Volume/Pan EffectColumn,Value/Number nodes

  • empty nodes are no longer saved now when not beeing part of a list
    (for example: Automation/Automations is skipped when empty)

  • fixed the NoteNolumns typo

I am now working on a schema for the XRNS, XRNT and XRNI formats, to push the XRNS lib project on sourceforge and finalize the format.

Great news! This will simplify a future project for me. :)