Renoise 1.8b5 And Windows Vista Rc2

Renoise 1.8b5 and Windows Vista RC2

i tried windows vista rc2 using the latest vista nvidia and vista soundblaster xf-i elite pro drivers and renoise 1.8b5 worked fine without problems.
i tested directsound and asio on all frequencies and some latencies… :)
Renoise 1.8b5 is Vista RC2 compatible :D

Rock! Good thing, cause Vista is coming and you cannot do nothing about it.
In other words, thanx for compatibilty testing!

That’s for sure great news… let’s hope they don’t screw up in the final of Vista.

Are the latencies any lower? I heard they gave audio higher priority in Vista’s environment.
I got the RC1 image on my HDD still, but it’s probably expired now, but nice to know it works!

Has anyone tried it with XP64?