Some of these suggestions may be silly, or just made by mistake, some of them are must have really. Anyway, dont put agression here and all that stuff. Just let`s discuss.
p.s. All these thoughts came after i was working for some commercial house music tracks. I was working both in Renoise and Logic.
- when rendering whole track as “save each track into a separate file” there must be an option like “render all tracks as stereo” or “mono” wavs. or even manually adjust each track as mono or stereo. or may be this is a mixer section issue. adding a button to channel strip “00 (stereo)” and “0 (mono)”, like in logic.
- about dithering. i think it`ll be proper to put this thing to render options.
- transport panel assignable to midi controller
- most gui buttons, sliders, etc assignable to midi controller
- export/import of track data (notes & groove) as midi file. for example - i created a midi file from “funky drummer” loop contains groove data and want to assign these groove to the track inside my renoise project. or i want to use notes played by synth in renoise in another program (logic for example), so i export track as midi file and import it inside logic, assign the synth, etc.
- rewire.
Sample Editor:
- hell yes. sample chopper/slicer, even may be invent an own “sliced” sample format, like REX or Apple Loops. XRSL? XtendedRenoiseSlicedLoop? Fastens up much the creative process and workflow. ask anyone.
- time and pitch manipulation.
Instrument Editor:
- when i
m loading XRNI instrument, i cant edit (i mean envelopes of filter, interpolation, etc) individual samples of instrument. i
m selecting a sample inside instrument and for example trying to draw a filter envelope, but this envelope affects on the whole instrument and not on a sample i selected inside of it. or may be i`m missing something? - there is a an option in renoise, to choose what interpolation used on sample. scene: i have a huge drum library (about 50 drum hits for example), and i want to not use interpolation on them at all (for hiphop and all that crunchy stuff), but it
s take a lot time to choose every sample and turn off interpolation. why i cant just select all these 50 samples and make them all use no interpolation at once? it
ll save a lot of time i guess.
- as i said above an ability to choose which track
ll be mono or stereo. let me explain why, keeping kicks or some bass mono is a proper and widely used technic when mixing. you can say i can just make my sample or VSTi mono, but not all VSTi (most of
em) are able to do this and rendering (freezing) isnt a solution really. - sidechaining, pleasepleaseplease.
- sample HD streaming.
Advanced Pattern Edit:
- The whole quantize thing isnt easy understandable for most people. May be there is some workaround how to ease up this thing in renoise?
Pattern Editor:
- Abilities to “colorize” the tracks and patterns.
Extended Audio Processing Power:
- I`m not sure, but this may be very hard thing to include in Renoise. The feature is an ability to use your second/third/old/etc. computer as additional cpu power to handle more VST or VSTi in your Renoise projects. So Renoise works as server on the first pc and on the second pc we have some kind of Renoise Client application running with VST & VSTis, 1st pc conected to 2nd via ethernet or firewire. Yes, this is the same thing as Teleport FX, Wormhole 2 or Logic Node technology. As i mentioned before this must be very hard to code or implement into Renoise, but anyway it will be great to see and hardly use this thing in Renoise.
- speed/bpm automation.
- more precise and comfortable envelope drawing.
- another scene: i want to draw envelope of my filter lopassing/hipassing my white noise sample. the scene with filtering action break in 4 patterns. so i go to the pattern 1, click automation, draw envelope, choosing pattern 2, and drawing envelope again, etc. its a lil uncomfortable in this way, why not to choose (somehow) these 4 patterns a click an automation button and draw an envelope for 4 patterns at once? it fastens up the workflow.
- more precise analyzer
- closing plugin window by a keyboard shortcut or a key (esc or “~” for example)