► Renoise 3 Beta testing starts - announcing Redux

Thank you again, no more dreaming about R3!
Today i was thinking what motivated you in making these changes in R3.

Everybody know what it lacks next to the big daws (audio tracks, piano roll, send track to send track, k-meters in mixer etc.) but you´ve decided to go in different direction. Absolutely no criticism here i am just thinking about what motivated you, what you feel about these new features. Talking mainly about instrument editor cause doofers and phrases are something what i´ve always wanted and i understand its potencial.
And what are these big changes under the hood that will change R3 in future? I only hope that Redux will not be reason why Renoise will have to be limited and everything else will be made by other daws (these new changes are mainly “instrument” oriented so i am feared for a reason :-).
It is something what is easily imagined for somebody who likes to work with reaper, rewire or vsts but i love renoise, even in composing whole song, so dont wanna to learn another daw in year or two just because renoise doesnt have this amazing XXX function etc.

I´ve sold Ableton 9 because i didnt like it, so i´ve stucked with R2 and was waiting for R3 but now i am little nervous that important vst functions wont never be there (automatization, midi plugins etc). I dont blame anybody or hate anything, i am just very curious why you decided for these changes in the first place. Would be great to hear something like “i´ve added envelope modification because i think now you can create best pad ever what was problem before it as linux doesnt have enough vst and padtool is not enought, now i wanna to implement this or that…”.
Wanna know why it exists, why you developer love these function more than others and more convencional. So i can love them also even if i havent mastered them yet ;). I understand that Renoise began as sampler / tracker but i have a lot of free VSTi which have more advanced features and funnier aproach to sound design than R3 and its sampler (so i wanna automatize them by simplier way, same with a macros in instrument, why not to: - right click, create automatization and everything else will be asigned for example). I dont try to say that i dont use sampled instruments, they are great in R3, but what i love about renoise in the first place is its approach to composing. And If i will know that R3 wont be ever about VSTi, audio track etc and you dont find these function interesting, it would be better to began learn that slow and buggy ableton or boring reaper like back inna days to combine it with renoise (but still doesnt solve problem cause i wanna use synths in renoise, not outside, so automatization has to happen here).
You know, it is somehow frustrating to know that your favourite daw goes by direction that you cant fully utilize.

And again, no hate here. Just my humble opinion and my own needs. Just wanna to know direction of future Renoise if i can because it is somehow important for me as i wanna to use my tools fully ^_^.

I am very interested in the final release and next version, thank you again taktik for great R3 (i am not sad about it, just curious where we are going ;) and sorry for so much text in combination with so bad english :smiley: :rolleyes: