Thanks for the suggestion! (I actually totally missed the Beta forums at the bottom of the forums list.) I’ve submitted it here, if anyone wants to comment on it there.
Interestingly, I come from the totally opposite end of the spectrum–I’m used to trackers, and I’ve only ever dabbled lightly with other more traditional DAWs. I did try to get used the the active row centering in Renoise, but even after spending some good quality time with it, I just couldn’t live with it. I had no problems with any of the other aspects of the program, even the parts that vary widely from what I’m used to in ModPlug/OpenMPT.
The problem stems from using the mouse as my primary way around rather than the keyboard–I click into the row I want to add or edit a note in, and that causes the entire pattern to suddenly jump so that the row I click is in the middle of the pattern window, and I end up disoriented about where things are because everything’s suddenly shifted around. And that happens again the next time I click, and the next, and the next. For people who mainly move around with the keyboard (which is likely most people), this would probably never be an issue.