► Renoise 3 Beta testing starts - announcing Redux

To all those that say stop bitching , I say …explore it a few days …
In all honesty …I think renoise was NOT ready for beta 3 , subforums popping out of the ground like horny mushrooms on how to improve/ REdesign the so called Major improvements …that’s not something that should be happening during beta testing …
Pppff …

Well, they hope for their personal most wanted feature (whatever it may be) they think would be nice. I’m talking about how I think some people might feel. How some get disappointed or/and angry. I’m not saying they are perfectly right or wrong.

@ pamadoxx …yes renoise says what it does …
But it doesn’t say in bold letters that the new instrument design is currently limited to a single audiobus. I bet you didn’t KNOW that .

Yeah, done that and I still say quit bitchin. Constructive criticism is all good, but endless whining about the same old shit is tiring.


Nopes I just discover new shit to whine about that’s all .
I just gett a bit pissed , seen it before that people change their minds verry often and don’t really have a clue what they are talking about when they say it’s all flowers and honey …( not saying you are …you must be one of the most positive lightbeings here on this forum radiating positives vibes …)
All good , renoise still gets used here , just waiting for some improvements and trying to help wherever I can ( with occasional whining ) …

+1 ! Exactly what I have written in the speculation thread. Devs say a Renoise release should be like a Christmas surprise. But I think a Roadmap would be the right thing. It would avoid frustration and clear things up.

Not sure what you mean by that, do you get pissed if people can’t see the faults in something?

But anyway, its all good, the alternative is we would still be waiting for a beta and the speculation thread would have surely imploded by now :D

This release was a big surprise to me, especially the GUI, it was frustrating at first and did take getting used to, but once I did I found that the sampler/instruments now make much more sense and the workflow is actually improved. The assignable macro knobs are a god send! I still don’t understand why I can’t assign more of the instrument interface to them and not just some of the newer devices but there are workarounds and once I learned how to use it it becomes a fun and powerful addition.

The instruments mono button was much needed and it would have been great to have each sample have a mono setting not just the whole instrument or choke groups, but having said that its a great improvement so is the hold button for the instrument! and the instruments modulation window with things like adsr and fader … are a giant improvement there is so much attention to detail in controlling samples here that paired with the doofer should be allowing everyone to create some beautiful and strange instrument creations.

The sequencer has had no work done to it, but that was the trade-off I guess since as taktik put it the sampler was neglected for so long. I guess we all got impatient waiting for the release, but some of us made light of the situation and had fun while others dug their heels in and acted like 3 year old kids. I personally prefer to see small quarterly changes than having to wait a long time for major changes, that way we can all follow and enjoy in the evolution of what renoise has to offer. Most of us are spoiled for choice when it comes to sequencers nowadays, so it begs the question why vent in this forum about everything we don’t like… I guess its the passion for renoise and feeling of not being included in the transformation.

LUA is a corner of the software that lends itself to expanding the software to be whatever you want it to be and with an intelligent user-base behind it, it continues to drive renoise in any direction the community desires. That’s what great about it, it forces us to be creative both in the creation of our music and in the creation of our tools! Yes even this version is lacking tighter integration with LUA so we can control everything, but have a look at what we have created so far and the support for coding you get in the forums.

and in my opinion renoise is sonically superior to a lot of other music making software … maybe its the flac format maybe its the engine, I don’t know but I can hear the love the devs have poured into it sonically. Small but mighty, compared to other larger music creation software company’s that are now giant corporations, bugs are attended to and the devs respond directly and interact on the forum with users…In time, renoise will continue to grow and for those of us unhappy with the changes… well we can continue to use our older version or create tools to workaround some of the issues. I admit some things there will be no workaround for but in the end how large of an impact does that make on our final outcome (song/album) … HUNZ is one good example of what’s possible regardless of limitations.

If we are going to compare renoise to anything, I would be comparing it to other trackers and not DAWS since I don’t feel it close enough yet, but that’s also a good thing since it has the ability to be a groove tool, a beatmaker, a chiptune maker, whatever we want it to be and wire it up to a DAW if need be. One day we will see the renoise we all want with audio tracks, vst audio bus routing, etc, but until then I’m having fun, and making the most of the fact that it can do a lot at very little cost!! I’m sure if all the features that users want showed up tomorrow the bigger companies would really need to start to look over their shoulder.

I think the criticism is quite constructive actually. Look at all the suggestions and mockups coming from the community!

Well…it’s marketed as a DAW, so…

I just tried the beta. The ADSR envelopes for samples was something i hoped for and i love that you can combine them and use math operators. The phrase functionality and fancy arpeggiators are very welcome to, was hoping for this also. And the macro dials are great. Too bad that all the lua tools need to be ported yet.

Only the instrument specific tools.

Hey Klaus

I instantly tried to make some vids about new features for the french community, so they’re in french… however my english isn’t flowing really fast and I’m searching more or less my words in realtime ; so I’m afraid I won’t be able to help a lot. For example I’ve tried to build a pad patch through the new interface and recorded the whole thing with camtasia… I’m not very satisfied with the result. Maybe someone like Achenar that usually makes excellent videos could make it.

Hey KURTZ! I thought that video was really good, your english is very good, and it was easy to follow. Thanks a lot :)


nope, any tools that change middle_frame, upper_frame and lower_frame need to be recoded.
also, they become unusable if the instrument editor is detached.

Ah yes forgot about those too…

For my point of view, Redux will be freakin cool. But before selling it as a sampler should he support at least soundfonts ??

It would be bomb, mainly for trap producers, haha.

THNX THNX THNX!!! I have many ideas in new RENOISE!!!


Love the update. Sampler and Redux idea(exactly what I’ve been waiting for). Renoise is not the environment I go to to use plugins.

Sampler, nutso sequencer and Lua tools are it for me.

I guess the “at least” it should support is DFD, as most up-to-date sw samplers do