want to buy, if theres any “propper” ones floating about (ie something that would actually survive on the back of a car, not just an inkjet printed on postal stickers)
Bumper stickers are no good, you want to get a personalised registration plate “Renoi5e”
australian number plates are only 6 characters; renose? besides, I had another use in mind, but is has to be a bumper sticker
You can surely print one yourself. There are plenty of companies which make bumperstickers on demand, and renoise hires graphics are available on the renoise homepage.
If you have any specific demands on the graphics design, let me know, I can surely pull off some design for you.
Not sure about the legality of this kind of work (as Renoise is a trademark and thus protected by trademark laws), but I hope some Renoise devs chime in and let us know whether or not we should do things like that.
I couldn’t afford a personalised reg plate anyway and it would look daft on a 16 year old VW passat. Some more Renoise merchandise would be cool though. Bumper stickers, baseball caps and the like.
I wont renoise g-strings.
they shouldn’t be opposed to free advertisement. plus, if it were “illegal” we’d do it anyway all love and respect, except for silly copyrights
I assume they don’t mind in case you do it for yourself and maybe a friend or two, in case you don’t start making money off selling those things.
i wouldn’t mind a renoise mug
exactly! we’re an intelligent bunch so it really shouldn’t be an issue
hmm I was hoping someone had already made a run somewhere along the line…
Rather than discuss whether we can make money off doing it ourselves legally; devs: why not just step up to the mark yourselves? already 2 potential customers here… probably wouldn’t cost much to do in the grand scheme and would probably actually turn an extra profit once it got started… and yes, I would do myself, except it as it’s not my trademark to sell…
could make a useful promotional tool also; guys up on stage with renoise stickers on the back of their laptops, etc…