Renoise Hero.
Renoise Hero.
I think it could be fun, and it’s a great way to introduce people, to how the keyboard is played like a real piano. Just too bad many keyboards have problems pressing certain keys at the same time though.
Well, I subscribe to the old-fashioned definition of a hero: someone who selflessly help others.
So, everybody who has shared his/her music, production tips, making scripts or just being plain helpful is a Renoise Hero
Well, unless they are going for fame and fortune, that is
Sound like a great idea.
Until all us veteran tracker and Renoise users get thrashed by our 5 year old nieces and nephews.
(You do mean like Guitar/DJ Hero yeah?)
the game should involve hex calculation skills somehow
So he is free macon
Vivace, Keith303, Kaneel, It-alien, Jonas the plugexpert, Basically all the gurus out there (no I’m not kissing ass I’m just a fan)
Vsnares, Enduser…
charly you could be on that list yourself imo.
Thanx JBL, but I’m still not a guruh
… I will be in 50 posts from now!!
Wait… hmmm so say when the line comes moving down you have to get the note and the effect columns and shit right before it hits? Like überfast tracking?