I’m a Renoise n00b, and installed it as per the linux guide (allowing realtime access etc). Problem is, renoise locks the soundcard against other applications whilst it’s running (which can only be a good thing, right?) but the lock remains after I exit renoise.
I’ve tried running renoise with pasuspender, and restarting pulseaudio afterwards, but it’s always the same. Has anyone else had this problem?
I’m also a beginner. I do not have this problem using an M-Audio 1010LT and jackd (eg. qjackctl). Renoise is set to use jack audio. I can use for instance firefox to watch youtube videos while Renoise (and Ardour for that matter) are still running. System is Linux Mint 17 64bits, which is based on Ubuntu.
I’m also a beginner. I do not have this problem using an M-Audio 1010LT and jackd (eg. qjackctl). Renoise is set to use jack audio. I can use for instance firefox to watch youtube videos while Renoise (and Ardour for that matter) are still running. System is Linux Mint 17 64bits, which is based on Ubuntu.
Thanks for the reply - I’m using Jack also. Firefox plays youtube videos, just silently.
Your feedback helps, as I know it can be done now!
The key is in having the pulse jack sink installed (packagepulseaudio-module-jack) , and using the pavucontrol app (package same name) to sort things out. When I install a new system I fiddle a bit then get it right. pavucontrol works in such a way that it shows in real time what is playing audio wise and lets you choose which output, and remembers it. In this case here, when firefox plays a video, pavucontrol shows it, and then you can choose the pulse jack sink output (with package installed). If everythingÀs all right, when you start qjackctl you should see a PulseAudio JACK Sink in the audio connections.
The key is in having the pulse jack sink installed (packagepulseaudio-module-jack) , and using the pavucontrol app (package same name) to sort things out. When I install a new system I fiddle a bit then get it right. pavucontrol works in such a way that it shows in real time what is playing audio wise and lets you choose which output, and remembers it. In this case here, when firefox plays a video, pavucontrol shows it, and then you can choose the pulse jack sink output (with package installed). If everythingÀs all right, when you start qjackctl you should see a PulseAudio JACK Sink in the audio connections.
I’ve installed pulseaudio-module-jack and pavucontrol is already installed. Renoise doesn’t show up in the applications list in pavucontrol, and after I have used it, vlc player appears in the pavucontrol menu, but there is no audio. Youtube vids in Chromium buffer but don’t start - probably waiting for access to the soundcard or something. Bloody pulseaudio.
Renoise would not show in pavucontrol since it uses jack. pavucontrol is for assigning the regular alsa output to the jack sink. If the jack sink does not show in qjackctl connect tab, then the module is not loaded. I’m afraid there’s a bit of fiddling to be done. Next time I’ll do an install I promised myself to write it down once an for all.
If you are on a arch, debian or ubuntu based distro then I recommend using the kxstudio repo (or the tools from it in AUR for arch). Cadence is a more modern version of qjackctl and makes all this a lot easier. The gui has very easy options to enable you to route alsa and pulseaudio to jack so you can have jack running all the time and not worry about things not producing sound. Of course you can set this up manually with qjackctl and the .asound file but it involves a lot more dicking around than should be necessary.
Renoise would not show in pavucontrol since it uses jack. pavucontrol is for assigning the regular alsa output to the jack sink. If the jack sink does not show in qjackctl connect tab, then the module is not loaded. I’m afraid there’s a bit of fiddling to be done. Next time I’ll do an install I promised myself to write it down once an for all.
Right… Thanks for all the help and advice. I haven’t done any fiddling with sound really since they moved from OSS to ALSA! I’ll look into manually loading the pa module now
If you are on a arch, debian or ubuntu based distro then I recommend using the kxstudio repo (or the tools from it in AUR for arch). Cadence is a more modern version of qjackctl and makes all this a lot easier. The gui has very easy options to enable you to route alsa and pulseaudio to jack so you can have jack running all the time and not worry about things not producing sound. Of course you can set this up manually with qjackctl and the .asound file but it involves a lot more dicking around than should be necessary.
Yeah, using Ubuntu at the moment (Don’t, I know, I’m usually a Slackware kinda guy, but Ubuntu runs better on my hardware) I’ll dick around a bit longer then look into cadence, cheers