Renoise On Linux Question

Hello, I’m new here so sorry if this is in the wrong sub-forum or something. My question is this - I am a linux user interested in purchasing renoise (I don’t have or ever plan on obtaining windows) so is it a safe purchase? I mean will it continue to be supported? I imagine it might not pay-off supporting it on linux due to the small user-base. Thanks in advance for clearing this out for me.

renoise. is strong!

Don’t ask what Renoise can do for you, ask what you can do for Renoise :D

Get the demo. It’s damn near complete, and if you like it even in the least it will be worth registration. (of course you’ll have to wait for 2.0, but I suppose the public beta will open soon)

I cannot imagine Taktik just dropping support for linux, he knows what he’s doing.

I can’t speak for the dev’s intentions, but I’d be surprised (and very disappointed) if they stopped supporting linux. I would guess that the tracker userbase may have a higher proportion of linux users than many other genres of software anyway.

I only use linux, and renoise immediately became my audio tool of choice once it was released for my favorite os. I registered straight away, and suggest you do the same - you will not be disappointed! It is incredibly complete and represents excellent value for money.

I guess the Linux support mainly depends on the number of registrations. If enough people are interested then there will be support, if not then it may be dropped at some moment, but I highly doubt it right now.

Now that the Linux port is already there its really really less effort maintaining it. The major code base does not depend on any platform, so the only real afford is building and uploading the linux versions…

So must I wait for 2.0 to register or does it transfer from 1.9 or what?

I would wait till 2.0 comes out. I registered mine right when 1.9 came out so…my last version on my liciance is 2.9, which I hope is a few years away. I love Renoise. My fav. DAW/Tracker I have ever used. Infact it is my first tracker. I was hooked the first time I booted it up.

A license is valid for one full version - all the details are here:

Just go for it. I registered in 2003, and still valid :guitar:

cheap basterd, buy it now! :slight_smile:

like they all said… no reason to wait, just buy it :)