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Search for How can I run a stand-alone Renoise environment?
Renoise does not need a window or desktop environment to run, giving you the possibility to run Renoise in a stand-alone environment. The primary advantage is that all necessary system resource are dedicated to Renoise. If you are using a graphical login manager then a good way to get a stand-alone Renoise environment is by setting up a dedicated Renoise session, though there are prerequisites: you need Renoise installed system-wide and access to root privileges. Open your favorite editor and enter:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This session starts Renoise stand-alone
For example, if Renoise is installed in /usr/local/bin the text above will look like this:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This session starts Renoise stand-alone
Save this file as renoise.desktop then open a terminal and access root privileges. Copy the renoise.desktop file into the xsessions directory (usually located in /usr/share/xsessions/). Now when you log into your machine you’ll be able to change the session to ‘Renoise’ and run it stand-alone.
If when starting Renoise you receive an exception, “Database error (File: … ): not a writeable directory”, this means that Renoise doesn’t have write permission in its configuration directory (usually ~/.renoise). Write permission can be lost in two known ways:
If Renoise was set SUID it will create all its directories and configuration files with root as the owner.
You were root the first time you ran Renoise but you normally work as a standard user. This creates the directories and configuration file with root as the owner. To fix this problem, first check that the .renoise directory and the files and sub-directories within have the correct owner:
$ cd
$ ls -laR .renoise/
A list of all the files in .renoise will be displayed in this fashion:
-rw-rw-r— 1 <owner> <group> 2764 Oct 2 16:24 filename.ext
Now check that the field (the 3rd column) is your username for all files. If some files have a different owner (usually set to ‘root’) then change this by entering the following:
$ cd
(becoming root)
$ su
[enter the root password and press enter]
# chown -R your_username:your_username .renoise/
On Ubuntu you can achieve the same thing via a quicker method:
$ cd$ sudo chown -R your_username:your_username .renoise/
[enter your user password and press enter]
I remember trying it out - and it works great. Renoise functions as a kind of single window desktop.
You can use Scripting Terminal/Editor as ‘console’. Example os.execute("\my-app")
will run my-app
However there will be no window decorations and title bar to move app windows around.