Seeing that this forum gets low traffic and the threads are usually non-discursive would it be a good idea to start a Renoise Production Blog? Posters would have to be registered users. Then all the tips and tricks would be in a permalink structure with search engine friendly tags.
Or is this too close to the Wiki? From my point of view I see the wiki handling basic functionality while a production blog could focus on the changing complex nature of electronic music production. The focus is on renoise as an engine, but on a general level the topics could apply to production on any platform.
Low traffic? Well there are other components on the server that get a lot of traffic… the Wiki seems to be loved by some sites that either attempt to spam it (my guess) or mirror it (Pulsar’s guess)
Generally, I like Foo’s idea about the blog, but I would suggest to use a separate free blog service as blogspot or livejournal, something like that. It could be general Renoise community blog or more technical based. Right now I’m not ready to suggest something more detailed.
Hmm lets see… I use b2evolution on my website. Despite the fact that my site only has low traffic, it has so far been rock solid in terms of uptime. Checkout the backend controll… You have to install your own mod to get technorati tags as well as mods for tighter spam control (much like this forum eh?). You can setup as many pings as you like as well as network embedding. The back-end is fairly friendly for someone like me as I’ve got only superficial knowledge of php and css. Although I’m learning slowly. You can totally control users and permissions, comments, trackbacks etc… We can use the Renoise webpage wrapper and everything.
Of course there are other powerful solutions like Wordpress - but it may depend on what the Renoise server has installed - you might want to check this for compatibility: Any other blog users out there using their own setup?
I’m quite happy to mod (and shape the project) but if we build a little team of mods that are not specifically Renoise devs (who are busy enough) then we can really get cracking. Like I said before, I’m no php or css wiz, but I’m good with concepts, production and article writing.
But yes, once it’s all set up I’ll find it very easy to turn this into the In:Depth live and evolving section we’re all thinking of here, and hopefully push the limits of our Renoise magick.
I use Wordpress for my blogs, but it’s a quite heavy thing, it’s got a lot of pluses, but as I’ve said I would go for free blog service due to few pretty important reasons. Some of them:
A lot of people are already registered in the free services.
Much more usable (simpler) posting/reading/promoting
Possibly much more traffic.
Well, not that I insist, but the free service is far more easy to begin and you can convert the blog to own Wordpress anytime.
Also, I would put some brainstorming to the exact subject/s of the blog, it should not be boring and/or deserted place.
But you can setup pings and tags so that you are virtually linked in with those communities. And most of our audience is captive under this domain.
Simple may be a good thing, but don’t we want powerful configurations? I’d image we’ll expand a CMS into the future and for that we’ll need flexibility. Besides, do we want the style sheets of something like Myspace or LiveJournal? If it’s nested in this site with a similar style sheet then Renoise users are more likely to use it.
Sure, I agree. Everything that I’ve said and especially what Bantai has said for the In:Depth section would count. A few category ideas off the top of my head:
Critical listening
Recording MIDI
Recording Audio
Pattern wizardry
Music theory
All these would specifically relate to Renoise methods, but in principle could apply to any DAW.
We also could have a variety of user contribution levels, from in depth ( ) articles on production philosophy, to simple posts about a roundup of great vts efx for ambient, for example.
Agreed. The songs and forum have long needed to be merged, but sounds like a big messy job? With the blog I’m not sure how many ‘contributors’ we’re thinking of - could be a lot more or a lot less depending on what sort of access you want.
b2evo is good for sure, and with the skill that is around here with code and admin we should be able to get it looking slick quickly…
Yeah, but it’s not the main reason I would use a free service. domain isn’t the success guarantee. It’s hard to describe within a couple of sentences, but the free services have a lot side pluses: simplify, safety, popularity and etc.
We don’t. It’s important to begin with simple things, these simple things will show the right path to go.
It’s important to keep in mind that the blog is people community, but not a flexible CMS monster. People don’t like complicated things. Modern free services have the full set of must_have features. Everything else can be converted later.
Don’t get me wrong, but I’m pretty tired of the design. I’ve been around for few years, I even remember old site and old forum. I even remember the time when I won a t-shirt with Renoise logo and the Lenin picture with my win description I don’t need the blog needs to be have similar design. The blog’s design should be clean and simple, that’s enough imho.
Yeah, the list seems to be natural, but somebody should start with a couple of posts. The blog should be as open as possible to the community. The blog should be quite a fun, and quite useful.
Well, it’s a very basically what I wanted to say, it’s 5.20am here I’m off for today.
I would not mix blogs and CMS. My experience shows that Wordpress needs more html work than Blogspot service. Really, guys, we need to be wise. CMS is a CMS, blog is a blog. Well, I have to admit I used to believe my feeling/intuition than pure logical dreams. Free service is much more usable, and as I’ve said in my recent post in my blog, it’s most important for the magic.
You make a sound countercase, and I’m not that experience to argue either way. In terms of blog content all you would have is posts and an image/video archive.
I’d be happy to support and work for whatever solution the ReLords decide.
Bantai, do you just want a moderated elite posting to the blog or do you want it ‘really open’?
I like the pre-mod system - we can keep the tips and tricks forum for the open stuff. Of course we could go in either direction, but a closed system with a sound ideology behind it could present a ‘professional resource’ that aims on encouraging accelerated evolution rather than inclusiveness.
The most important thing is just to password protect the complete environment even though you can write the password on the site. Spammers are inevitable appearant so at least don’t give any automated script the chance to pass by or to register.
Using captchas won’t work, using site specific questions that require site specific answers as validation do work because people have to look it up in a more clever way no bot can guess.
The only blog i worked with so far does not have possibilities to revert changes while the wiki does (in case of clowns that attempt to sabotage things). Also the wiki allows upload of content and not every blog-system seems to support this.
Risk with external links to images are that content gets lost or that the “picture which says more than a 1000 words” is not available anymore or the server that hosts it, is temporary down.
That’s my translation of the background of what Bantai summed up more or less.