Firstly, thanks to all the registered users who reported bugs for the last two betas. Due to your help, this is already now the most stablest and bugfreest release we ever had !
major fixes, improvements from the last beta to now :
- un/redo for the patterneditor is filebased and has unlimited steps now (only limited by your harddiskspace)
- all knows asio problems are fixed and asioperformance is much much better than ever
- fixed startupcrash that only happened on Sony laptops
- all other reported bugs are fixed
please write your bugreports this time !not! into the forum, but send me a mail or write explicitly that the bug happened in the 1.2RC1 release when you write it into the forum !
If you manage to crash this renoise version, please attach the file “stacklog.txt” to your report and try to explain as exactly as possible what you did before it crashed.
If no major problems occour the next days, we will release the final version (which will of course be available for all users again) in a few days.
I will not add any more features till then. Its most important now, to have a rockstable version instead of a featureblown but buggy version. After the 1.2 release is done, updates will be more frequently and smaller than now, so you can expect your suggestions soon implemented …