a reaktor ensemble for beat manipulating, cmds like pitch stutter reverse etc. are layed out on my
keyboard / midi keyboard. it also has an 8 bar recording function
a renoise 1.9 demo i had on my pc for a while now…
so i start making a beat in renoise… and i use as an FX unit… so i can record the drum loop i made and add some damage… but the problem is:
when i use reaktor as vst fx… i cant send midi messages to it… so i cant use my commands (pitch reverse gate and so on)
when i use reaktor as simple vst instrument… i can control it with my keyboard and midi, but i cant record the drumloop of lets say track 1…
so what should i do?
ive seen the routing devices but they dont do the job…
i guess or better i hope, that iam missing a setting to route a track in to reaktor vst / setting up reaktor FX to recieve my midi data…
Download Renoise 2.1 and use an FX Alias in the instrument chain, it will allow you to send MIDI messages to your FX control. (This feature was supported since 2.0, better watch for updates now and then)