Renoise Window Won't Open


I have a problem:

When i start renoise i can only see the small bar on the task bar, but i can’t see “renoise” when i press right mouse button and maximize the renoise window appears for a second and than goes to minimize again. This is really strange…

When i shut it down and go to explorer and start a renoise song, renoise loads itself plays the song but minimized…And i cant maximize it.

HELP :huh: …Please :blink:

JR :huh:

Anyone please… :blink:

Did you try to reinstall?

Have you cleanly installed 1.281 or just overwritten the old installation ?
You might also try to delete the “config.xml” file.

Have you cleanly installed 1.281 or just overwritten the old installation ?

Yes i have

You might also try to delete the “config.xml” file

I’ll try


JR :blink: